
Live Preview Implementation for ReactJS CSR App Router

Client-side rendering (CSR) is where developers render their content directly to a browser using JavaScript. This guide explains in detail how to set up Live Preview for your ReactJS CSR App router.


Steps for Execution

Here is an overview of the steps involved in setting up live preview with REST for your Client-side Rendering (CSR) sites:

  1. Set up the Website
  2. Host the Website
  3. Update Stack Settings
  4. Live Edit Tags for Entries (optional)

Set up the Website

  1. Generate a preview token for configuration:

    You can create a preview token within the Contentstack app by navigating to Settings > Tokens > Delivery Tokens (press “alt + O” for Windows or “option key + O” for Mac).

    Note: Management tokens are deprecated for Live Preview. Use Preview Tokens for configuration.

    Each preview token is associated with a delivery token and shares access to the specific environment. Therefore, if a delivery token doesn't exist, you must create a new one, where you can enable the Create Preview Token toggle. For an existing delivery token, you will find an option to generate a preview token. Click + Create Preview Token and copy the resulting token.

  2. Update Contentstack's delivery SDK:

    To indicate to Contentstack's delivery SDK that it can fetch draft or preview content, add Live Preview configs to the Contentstack.Stack() method, e.g., here is a sample code for the JavaScript Delivery SDK:

    import Contentstack from 'contentstack'
    const Stack = Contentstack.Stack({ 
      // update your configs here
      live_preview: {
        preview_token: "preview_token",
        enable: true,
        host: "rest-preview.contentstack.com"
    • For the North America endpoint, set the host parameter to rest-preview.contentstack.com. If your website is hosted on other data centers, pass the following:
      • AWS EU: eu-rest-preview.contentstack.com
      • Azure NA: azure-na-rest-preview.contentstack.com
      • Azure EU: azure-eu-rest-preview.contentstack.com
    • The preview endpoint specified in the host parameter of the Delivery SDK is exclusively supported for Live Preview features such as Timeline and Visual Builder.

    Migrate to new preview service (optional):

    Upgrade the Contentstack SDK to its latest version. Find the Contentstack.Stack() initialization method and replace the management_token parameter with the preview_token as shown below:

    live_preview: {
    enable: true,
    host: "rest-preview.contentstack.com",
    preview_token: "csxxxxxxxxxxxx"

    Warning: Upgrading to the latest SDK version won't disrupt your existing configuration, but you might notice suboptimal performance in live preview within references and other operations. To enhance efficiency, update the host and replace management_token with preview_token.

  3. Install and initialize the Live Preview utils SDK:

    The Live Preview Utils SDK listens to content changes and requests Contentstack's delivery SDK to fetch draft or preview content or process real-time content changes. Consequently, this SDK needs to be executed on the client side.

    To install it, you can either use npm or yarn

    To install the Live Preview Utils SDK package via npm use the following command:

    npm install @contentstack/live-preview-utils

    You can then initialize the SDK using the init() method. This method helps set up event listeners that keep a tab of any changes made to the previewed entry's content.

    Pass the Stack object against the stackSDK parameter.

    // utils.js
    import ContentstackLivePreview from "@contentstack/live-preview-utils"
        stackSdk: Stack,
    export const onEntryChange = ContentstackLivePreview.onEntryChange;

    After initialization, you can export the onEntryChange method. This method plays a crucial role in updating the page whenever an entry is modified.

    Note: You need to define your SDK initialization code within a separate JavaScript file to prevent configuration resetting errors in your Live Preview setup caused by rerendering. Refer to the Get Started with Live Preview Utils SDK guide for more details on the available configuration options for the live preview SDK..

  4. Configure Live Preview across each webpage:

    Whenever you update an entry, the onEntryChange() method will be executed. Hence, you can define any coding logic that helps fetch data inside this method.

    Each page has a function responsible for retrieving data and setting it to the state. Here, we have used React.js for demonstration. We have created an updateData() function responsible for fetching the data and setting it to React state.

    Now, inside the useEffect() function, we pass the updateData() function to the onEntryChange() method. This onEntryChange() method runs the updateData() function every time you update entry content.

    // Footer.js
    import React from "react"
    import { onEntryChange } from "./utils.js"
    const Footer = () => {
        const [data, setData] = React.useState({});
        const updateData = () => {
            const fetchedData = SomeCallToGetData();
        React.useEffect(() => {
        }, []);
        return <div>{data.company_name}</div>;

Host the Website

To host a website, you can simply use ngrok or any other website hosting service.

Update Stack Settings

To enable Live Preview through the stack settings in Contentstack, follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to Settings > Environments.
  2. Create a new environment if there are no existing environments in your stack.
  3. Add your hosted website URL as the base URL for the environment created.Set_Base_URL_for_Environment.png
  4. Navigate to the Live Preview section under stack's "Settings".
  5. Select the Enable Live Preview checkbox.
  6. Select the Default Preview Environment from the dropdown. This helps avoid having to add the preview settings manually across multiple entries.
  7. Save the settings.Set_default_preview_environment.png

You will now be able to see the Live Preview icon within all the entries of your stack and the feature will preview data from the hosted website.

Live Edit Tags for Entries (optional)

Live edit tags provide a seamless way to jump directly to the specific content you want to modify within the live preview. Clicking the "Edit" button next to a content block in the preview pane automatically takes you to the corresponding field in the entry editor. If the field refers to another entry, you'll be directed to that entry's editor page for further editing.

Additional Resource: For detailed information on how to set up Live Edit tags, please refer to our documentation on Set Up Live Edit Tags for Entries with REST

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