Set up Live Edit Tags for Entries with REST
Live edit tags allow you to navigate to the field that contains the website content being previewed within the Live Preview pane. When you click on the "Edit" button beside a content block in the preview pane, you will be redirected to the corresponding field within the entry. If the field holds reference to another entry, you will be redirected to the referenced entry's editor page.

Edit tags contain the location where the corresponding field lies within the entry. The Live Preview Utils SDK searches for the elements which contain the edit tags referred to as data-cslp.
The structure of the edit tag (field location in the entry) you can pass against the data-cslp attribute is as follows:
for example,
Note: If the field is nested within another complex field, such as Modular Blocks, provide the field path as follows:
For a website built using Contentstack's JavaScript Delivery SDK, we use the addEditableTags() method to automatically generate the edit tag for you. The following section explains how you can set up live edit tags using addEditableTags().
Set up Live Editing Using the addEditableTags Method
Import the addEditableTags() method
Now, import the addEditableTags() method from the Contentstack SDK:const Contentstack = require("contentstack"); const addEditableTags = Contentstack.Utils.addEditableTags
Note: The addEditableTags() method is also available in the Contentstack JavaScript Utils SDK package.
Locate the Stack.ContentType() method
Firstly, navigate to the website code where the JavaScript Delivery SDK delivers entry content, and move to the section where you use the Stack.ContentType() method.
Here is a sample code for the Stack.ContentType() method:To enable variant support in edit tags include the .addParams({"include_applied_variants": "true"}) param:let entry = await Stack.ContentType("content_type_uid").Query() .where("url", URL) .find();
let entry = await Stack.ContentType("content_type_uid").Query() .addParams({"include_applied_variants": "true"}) .where("url", URL) .find();
Generate edit tags for previewed entry content
After retrieving data using the Contentstack JavaScript Delivery SDK, pass the resultant entry within the addEditableTags() function to add edit tags to the previewed entry content:addEditableTags(entry, content_type_uid, tagsAsObject, locale)
Here, entry is the actual entry you get from the SDK, content_type_uid is the unique ID of the current entry’s content type, and tagsAsObject determines the format in which the edit tag would be added.
Note: The addEditableTags method does not return any value. It only modifies the entry passed as the first argument to the method.
By default, tagsAsObject is set to false, and it appends data-cslp in the form of a string as follows:
Note: This option is provided for React-based apps as we cannot directly add any attributes in the form of string. Instead, we need to destructure an object.
If tagsAsObject is set to true, the data-cslp attribute is returned in object format as follows:
{ 'data-cslp': ''}
Here's a sample that shows how the code would look once you add the addEditableTags() method:
let entry = await Stack.ContentType("content_type_uid").Query() .where("url", URL) .find(); addEditableTags(entry[0][0], "content_type_uid", false, 'en-us')
When you use the addEditableTags method, a new key-value pair is returned at every level in the existing entry schema. This pair is known as the edit tag and is denoted by dollar sign ($).
For example, consider that you passed the following entry schema against the first parameter in the addEditableTags() method:
{ "name": "John Doe", "description": { "occupation": [{ "name": "Plumber", "since": 1920 }], "height": "5ft" } }
Once the addEditableTags() method is executed, the entry passed against the first parameter is updated as follows:
{ "name": "John Doe", "$": { "name": "" }, "description": { "$": { "occupation": "profile.blt8tvsk328dbw258.en-us.description.occupation", "height": "profile.blt8tvsk328dbw258.en-us.description.height" }, "occupation": [{ "$": { "name": "", "since": "profile.blt8tvsk328dbw258.en-us.description.occupation.since" }, "name": "Plumber", "since": 1920 }], "height": "5ft" } }
Set up the Live Preview Utils SDK
Live Preview requires the stack API key and host URL to perform appropriate redirection to the relevant stack.
ContentstackLivePreview.init({ ... stackDetails: { apiKey: "your api key", environment: "your environment", branch: "your branch" }, clientUrlParams: { protocol: "https", host: "", port: 443, }, })
Here, the ClientUrlParams key is optional and is set for the North America region. For other regions, you can use the following region-specific config values:
- AWS Europe host: ""
- Azure NA host: ""
- AZURE EU host: ""
- GCP NA host: ""
Configure live edit tags for each webpage
Now, navigate to the section in your website's front-end HTML code where you need to pass the edit tags as attributes. To access an edit tag, fetch the path to a field in the entry and add a dollar sign ($) before the last field in the field depth hierarchy.
For example, if the path to your entry data is data.description.height, then the corresponding edit tag will be data.description.$.height.
Once you add the edit tag, content managers will be able to see the "Edit" icon whenever they hover over the corresponding content blocks on the website.
<header class="text-center"> <div class="author"> <img {{$.url }} src="{{ }}" alt="{{ }}" /> </div> <h1 {{$.title }}>{{ }}</h1> <h2 class="author-job" {{$.job_title }}>{{ }}</h2> <p class="author-bio" {{$.biography }}>{{ }}</p> <div class="author-social"> <a href="mailto:{{ }}"><ion-icon name="mail-outline"></ion-icon></a> <a href="{{ }}"><ion-icon name="logo-twitter"></ion-icon></a> <a href="{{ }}"><ion-icon name="logo-instagram"></ion-icon></a> </div> </header>
For React-based applications, we generate edit tags by setting the tagsAsObject parameter to true. When set to true, this parameter returns the edit tag in object format. You need to destructure the object while passing it within the JSX element.
Here is an example of an edit tag that is returned in object format:
<h1 {$.name}>{}</h1> <p {$.height}>{data.description.height}</p>
Note: This setup only works for generic websites that use basic JavaScript frontend code. For websites working on other programming languages, you need to provide the entire path to the specific field.
Enable Support for Multiple Field Actions in Visual Builder
To allow users to add, delete, and reorder instances of a multiple field in Visual Builder, you need to add live edit tags for each instance. Attach the live edit tag of the field to its parent element.
In the following code snippet, the page_components field represents a Modular Blocks field. This field stores an array of blocks, where each array element corresponds to a block. Each block is mapped to a component or HTML element, and its live edit tag is added using the page_components__${index} key on the $ object.
<div {...(entry.$?.page_components ?? {})}> {entry.page_components?.map((component, index) => ( <div key={`component-${index}`} {...entry.$?.[`page_components__${index}`]}> <Section component={component}/> </div> ))} </div>
By default, Visual Builder automatically determines the position of the Add button by identifying the parent of the instance and the arrangement of its child elements.
If you need to manually configure the position of the Add button, use the data-add-direction parameter. Set its value to one of the following:
- horizontal: Aligns the button horizontally
- vertical: Aligns the button vertically
- none: Hides the Add button
For example, setting the Add button to vertical alignment
<div {...(entry.$?.page_components ?? {})} data-add-direction="vertical"> ... </div>
Add CSS to display edit buttons in the project
Note: This step is not required for Live Preview SDK version 2.0.0 and above.
The styles for the live edit tags are available in the @contentstack/live-preview-utils/dist/main.css file. You can import these styles in your main index.js file using npm as follows:
import "@contentstack/live-preview-utils/dist/main.css";
Alternatively, you can directly import the CSS within the HTML using the following code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Configure Edit button Using the editButton Object
The editButton object, included in the Live Preview Utils SDK, allows you to manage the "Edit" button, enabling customization for both the Live Preview portal and external applications.
It offers the following features:
- Enable/disable the "Edit" button
- Include/exclude the "Edit" button from inside/outside the Live Preview panel
- Adjust the position of the "Edit" button using eight over predefined positions
The editButton object contains four keys:
- enable
This key lets you specify whether you want to display the “Edit” button or not. It is of type “Boolean” with the value true/false.
- exclude
This key provides you with the option to exclude the edit button from either inside or outside the Live Preview portal for certain conditions.
[ ]
It is of type “Array” and takes one of the following string values:
- insideLivePreviewPortal
Used when you want to remove the “Edit” button from within the Live Preview portal.
- outsideLivePreviewPortal
Used when you want to remove the “Edit” button from outside the Live Preview portal.
Note: Although you have excluded the "Edit" button for Live Preview, you can add the cslp-buttons query parameter in your website URL to display the "Edit" button outside of your Live Preview-enabled website.
- insideLivePreviewPortal
- includeByQueryParameter
This key is used to override the cslp-buttons query parameter. You can set this to true/false to enable/disable the "Edit" button option, respectively.
- position
The user can place the "Edit" button in eight predefined positions within or over the Live Preview portal using these values: left, right, top-left (or top), top-right, top-center, bottom-left (or bottom), bottom-right, and bottom-center.
Note: The default position of the "Edit" button is set to "top". In a collaborative work environment, you can also manually position the “Edit” button on your website by applying the data-cslp-button-position attribute to the HTML tag with one of the position values.
For example:
ContentstackLivePreview.init({ ... editButton: { enable: true, exclude: ["outsideLivePreviewPortal"], includeByQueryParameter: false, position:'top-right', } });