
View Stack Details

Understanding your stack details helps you manage access, API credentials, and ownership settings efficiently.

To view your stack details, log in to your Contentstack account and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to your stack and click the “Settings” icon in the left navigation panel or use the shortcut key “S” (for Windows and Mac OS users).
  2. In the General section, you can view and update the following details:
    • Name of your stack
    • The Description provided for the stack
    • The Stack Owner Email in read-only mode
  3. In the API Credentials section, you can find the stack Api Key, which you can use to authenticate and make API requests.
  4. If you are a stack Owner, you can delete the stack or transfer ownership. Stack users can only leave the stack.

    Stack details in Contentstack settings

Accessing these details lets you effectively manage stack settings, credentials, and user permissions.

API Reference

To view stack details via API, refer to the Get Single Stack request.

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