Get Started with Live Preview Utils SDK V3.0
The Live Preview Utils SDK version 3 allows you to listen to entry change events triggered by the Contentstack app and update your website in real time. You can also configure the “Edit” button functionality to enhance collaboration and content editing workflows.
- Node.js version 4.4.7 or later
Migrate from V2 to V3 (optional)
If you are upgrading from version 2 to version 3 of the Live Preview Utils SDK, there are some key changes that may impact your existing implementation. Below are the important updates and recommended alternatives to ensure a smooth transition.
- Removal of setConfigFromParams
The setConfigFromParams method, previously used to extract the Live Preview hash from the request query string (available via Contentstack.hash), has been removed.
If you have implemented setConfigFromParams in your middleware, you can safely remove it. To manually extract and use the Live Preview hash, refer to Step 3: Utilize the Live Preview Hash in the Set Up the Website section.
- Removal of getGatsbyDataFormat
The getGatsbyDataFormat method has been deprecated in version 3. This method is no longer necessary because the gatsby-source-contentstack plugin now handles data formatting internally.
Use the gatsby-source-contentstack plugin for your Gatsby project to ensure seamless compatibility with Live Preview.
By addressing these changes during your migration, you can ensure smooth integration with version 3 of the Live Preview Utils SDK.
Installation and Setup
To install the live-preview-utils package via npm, run the following command:
npm install @contentstack/live-preview-utils@3
Alternatively, include the live-preview-utils package directly in your website’s HTML code:
<script type='module'>
import ContentstackLivePreview from '';
stackDetails: {
apiKey: "your-stack-api-key",
Initialize the SDK
To initialize the Live Preview Utils SDK, import and execute the following command:
import ContentstackLivePreview from "@contentstack/live-preview-utils";
stackDetails: {
apiKey: "your-stack-api-key",
Alternatively, initialize the SDK inside the HTML tag using the ContentstackLivePreview.init() method:
stackDetails: {
apiKey: "your-stack-api-key"
init(config: IConfig)
The init() method initializes the Live Preview Utils SDK by setting up the necessary event listeners. It accepts a configuration object with the following properties:
The enable property determines enablement or disablement of Live Preview communications.
Type | Default | Optional |
boolean | true | yes |
The ssr property defines the data update strategy for previewed content based on your app's rendering approach (Server-Side Rendering or Client-Side Rendering).
Type | Default | Optional |
boolean | true | yes |
- ssr: true: For SSR apps, requests a fresh HTML page on each content edit.
- ssr: false: For CSR apps, the app listens to entry changes and updates the page content dynamically.
Note: In CSR mode, the stackSdk property is required. Passing this object will automatically switch the mode to CSR. This configuration allows you to override the default behavior.
The mode property determines whether the site operates in the Live Preview or Visual Builder environment.
If set to preview, clicking the hovered Edit button navigates to the Contentstack Live Preview panel.
If set to builder, clicking the Start Editing button navigates to the Contentstack Visual Builder.
Type | Default | Optional |
string | preview | yes |
Note: The site will still function in the Live Preview panel even when the mode is set to builder.
The editButton object lets you manage the "Edit" button.
The enable property displays or hides the "Edit" button.
Type | Default | Optional |
boolean | true | no |
The exclude property provides an option to exclude the "Edit" button from either inside or outside the Live Preview portal.
Type | Default | Optional |
array | [] | yes |
The array accepts the following string values:
- insideLivePreviewPortal: Used when you want to remove the "Edit" button from within the Live Preview portal.
- outsideLivePreviewPortal: Used when you want to remove the "Edit" button from outside the Live Preview portal.
Note: Although you have excluded the "Edit" button for Live Preview, you can add the cslp-buttons query parameter in your website URL to display the "Edit" button outside of your Live Preview-enabled website.
The includeByQueryParameter property overrides the cslp-buttons query parameter to enable/disable the "Edit" button.
Type | Default | Optional |
boolean | true | yes |
The position property places the "Edit" button in predefined positions (e.g., top-right, bottom-center).
Type | Default | Optional |
string | top | yes |
Note: The default position of the "Edit" button is set to "top". In a collaborative work environment, you can also manually position the "Edit" button on your website by applying the data-cslp-button-position attribute to the HTML tag with one of the position values.
Example Configuration:
editButton: {
enable: true,
exclude: ["outsideLivePreviewPortal"],
includeByQueryParameter: false,
position: "top-right",
The editInVisualBuilderButton object allows you to manage the Start Editing button on your website. It provides the following functionalities:
- Enable or disable the Start Editing button
- Adjust the button's position using four predefined placements
The enable property displays or hides the Start Editing button on your website.
Type | Default | Optional |
boolean | true | yes |
The position property places the Start Editing button in predefined positions (e.g., top-right, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left).
Type | Default | Optional |
string | bottom-right | yes |
Tip: Choose a position that doesn't overlap with other UI elements to ensure a seamless editing experience.
The cleanCslpOnProduction object removes data-cslp attributes from the website if enable is set to false.
Type | Default | Optional |
boolean | true | yes |
The stackDetails object contains stack-specific information for redirection to the corresponding entry whenever you use edit tags within your website.
stackDetails: {
apiKey: "string", // API key of the stack
environment: "string",
branch: "string"
Note: If you do not use live edit tags, then you don't need to use the stackDetails property.
The clientUrlParams object specifies the stack's URL details for your webpage content. By default, it is configured for the North American (NA) region.
// For North American Region
protocol: "https",
host: "",
port: 443
// For European Region
protocol: "https",
host: "",
port: 443
// For Azure EU Region
protocol: "https",
host: "",
port: 443
// For Azure NA Region
protocol: "https",
host: "",
port: 443
// For GCP NA Region
protocol: "https",
host: "",
port: 443
Note: Use the clientUrlParams object only when you need to customize the URL.
The stackSdk object represents the Stack class obtained by executing the Contentstack.Stack() method. It is essential for Client-Side Rendering (CSR) to inject the Live Preview hash and content type UID into the Stack class.
Properties and Methods
This section explains the essential properties and methods provided by the Live Preview Utils SDK to handle real-time content updates.
onLiveEdit(callback: () => void)
The onLiveEdit method updates the content displayed in the Live Preview panel whenever an entry is modified. It sends a single API request to retrieve the draft content and reflect the changes in real time.
Note: The onLiveEdit method is designed exclusively for Client-Side Rendering (CSR) and does not fetch published content.
To use the onLiveEdit method in a CSR setup, create a function (e.g., updateData()) to fetch and process data. Pass this function to the onLiveEdit method, which will execute it whenever new data is available.
// utils.js
import ContentstackLivePreview from '@contentstack/live-preview-utils';
export const onLiveEdit = ContentstackLivePreview.onLiveEdit;
Here’s how you can use the onLiveEdit method in a React component:
// Footer.js
import React from "react";
import { onLiveEdit } from "./utils.js";
const Footer = () => {
const [data, setData] = React.useState({});
// Function to fetch data and update the state
const updateData = () => {
const fetchedData = SomeCallToGetData();
// Set up the onLiveEdit method to execute the updateData function
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <div>{data.company_name}</div>;
onEntryChange(callback: () => void)
The onEntryChange method is designed for Client-Side Rendering (CSR) applications, where the framework manages data collection and rendering. This method triggers a specified callback function, such as updatePage(), whenever new content is available, ensuring real-time updates.
Note: The onEntryChange method only works when SSR is set to false, indicating that the application is using CSR.
// utils.js
import ContentstackLivePreview from '@contentstack/live-preview-utils';
// Export the onEntryChange method for use in components
export const onEntryChange = ContentstackLivePreview.onEntryChange;
To use the onEntryChange method, create a function (e.g., updateData) that fetches and stores updated data. Pass this function to onEntryChange to execute it whenever new data is available.
// Footer.js
import React from "react";
import { onEntryChange } from "./utils.js";
const Footer = () => {
const [data, setData] = React.useState({});
// Define a function to fetch and update data
const updateData = () => {
const fetchedData = SomeCallToGetData(); // Replace with actual data fetch logic
// Use the onEntryChange method to trigger updates
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <div>{data.company_name}</div>;
You can enhance the onEntryChange method by using the optional skipInitialRender: true parameter. This prevents an unnecessary initial API call, ensuring the function only executes when new data is available.
onEntryChange(fetchData, { skipInitialRender: true })
The hash property retrieves the live preview hash of the entry. If the page is not opened in the Live Preview pane, it returns an empty string.
console.log(ContentstackLivePreview.hash); //"hash"
The config property provides the following properties and their values:
- ssr: Indicates if server-side rendering (SSR) is enabled.
- enable: Specifies whether Live Preview is active.
- cleanCslpOnProduction: Determines if Live Preview configurations are cleaned in the production environment.
- stackDetails: The stackDetails object contains essential context for the Live Preview environment, including:
- apiKey: The API key of the stack.
- environment: The environment in which the preview is running.
- contentTypeUid: The UID of the content type.
- entryUid: The UID of the specific entry.
- clientUrlParams: Provides parameters related to the client URL.
- windowType: Determines the context of the parent window, with the following possible values:
- preview: The site is loaded as an iframe in the Live Preview or Timeline preview environment.
- builder: The site is loaded as an iframe in the Visual Builder environment.
- independent: The site is loaded directly, outside of the Contentstack platform.
- hash: Contains the hash value for the current Live Preview session.
- editButton: Refers to the state or presence of the edit button.
- mode: Specifies the operating mode (preview or builder).