
Export Content using the CLI | Old Commands

If you want to migrate your content from one stack to another, you need to export the content from the source stack and then import it into the destination stack.

You can export the following modules from a stack:



    The cm:export command lets you export content from one stack to another.

    Below we have listed down how you can use the cm:export command:

    Let us understand in detail how you can export content from your stack.

    Export Content Using Management Token and Parameters

    This command lets you export content using a management token. For ease, you can pass several parameters/options to this command at once.

    Tip: To store the exported content efficiently, create a folder named “content” in your system and make a note of its path


    csdx cm:export -a <management_token_alias>

    Alternatively, refer to the following command to add several parameters/options in a single line:

    csdx cm:export -a <management_token_alias> -d <file_path>


    • -a, --management-token-alias=management-token-alias: The management token of the source stack from which you will export content
    • -d, --data=data: The path or the location in your file system to store the exported content. For e.g., ./content
    • -B, --branch=branch: The name of the branch where you want to export your content. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content will be exported from all the branches of your stack.
    • -m, --module=module: (optional) Specify a module to export to the source stack. If not specified, the export command will export all the modules to the stack. The available modules are assets, content-types, entries, environments, extensions, global-fields, labels, locales, webhooks, and workflows.  


    • To export all modules from a stack:
      csdx cm:export -a mytoken  -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content"
    • To export all modules from a particular branch of your stack(For example: develop).
      csdx cm:export -a mytoken -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -B develop
    • To export only content types from a stack:
      csdx cm:export -a mytoken  -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -m content-types
      csdx cm:export -a mytoken  -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" --module content-types 
    • To export only environments from a stack:
      csdx cm:export -a mytoken  -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -m environments
      csdx cm:export -a mytoken  -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" --module environments 

    Note: When exporting modules individually, make sure you follow this module sequence: assets > environments > locales > extensions > webhooks > global-fields > content-types > workflows > entries > labels. For example, before exporting entries, you must have had exported assets, environments, locales, extensions, webhooks, global-fields, content-types, and workflows.

    Export Content Using Management Token and Config file

    This command lets you export content to your stack using a management token and a configuration file containing the parameters/options and their associated value.

    To get started with this command, download this config file, add values to this file, and note down the path where you have saved this file. By doing so, you don’t need to provide parameters/options in the command separately.

    Tip: To store the exported content efficiently, create a folder named “content” in your system and make a note of its path.


    csdx cm:export -a <management_token_alias> -c <config_file_path>


    • -a, --management-token-alias=management-token-alias: The management token of the source stack from which you will export content
    • -c, --config=config: The path of the configuration JSON file containing all the options for a single run. You can refer to an example config file here


    • To export content using a config file:
      csdx cm:export -a mytoken -c “C:/Users/Name/Desktop/cli/config.json

    Export Content Using Auth Token and Parameters

    You can use this method to export content to your stack if you have logged in to the session using the Login command. Running the Login command generates an auth token, which is used in the command below.

    Tip: To store the exported content efficiently, create a folder named “content” in your system and note its path.


    csdx cm:export -A

    Alternatively, refer to the below command for adding several parameters/options in a single line:

    csdx cm:export -A -s <stack_ApiKey> -d <file_path>


    • -A, --auth-token: To use the auth token of the current session. It is automatically generated and stored in the session after running the login command.
    • -d, --data=data: The path or the location in your file system to store the exported content. For e.g., ./content
    • -s, --stack-uid=stack-uid: The API key of the source stack.
    • -t, --content-type=contentType: (optional) Content type.
    • -B, --branch=branch: The name of the branch where you want to export your content. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content will be exported from all the branches of your stack.
    • -m, --module=module (optional): Specify the module to export to the source stack. If not specified, the export command will export all the modules to the stack. The available modules are assets, content-types, entries, environments, extensions, global-fields, labels, locales, workflows, releases, webhooks, and workflows. 
    • --secured-assets: Use this flag to export your content, if the secured assets feature is enabled for your stack.

      Note: Make sure to add the --secured-assets flag to avoid errors while exporting content for the stack where the secured assets feature is enabled.


    • To export all modules from a stack:
      csdx cm:export -A  -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -s bltxxxxxx 
    • To export all modules from a particular branch of your stack(For example: develop).
      csdx cm:export -A -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -s bltxxxxxx  -B develop
    • To export only content types from a stack:
      csdx cm:export -A -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -m content-types -s bltxxxxxx 
      csdx cm:export -A -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" --module content-types -s bltxxxxxxxx
    • To export only environments from a stack:
      csdx cm:export -A  -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -m environments -s bltxxxxxx
      csdx cm:export -A -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" --module environments -s bltxxxxxxxx 
    • To export content from your stack where secured assets feature is enabled:
      csdx cm:export -A -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content" -s bltxxxxxx --secured-assets

    Note: When exporting  modules individually, make sure you follow this module sequence: assets > locales > environments > extensions > webhooks > global-fields > content-types > workflows > entries > labels.  For example, before exporting entries, you must have had exported assets, environments, locales, extensions, webhooks, global-fields, content-types, and workflows.

    Export Content Using Auth Token and Config file

    This command lets you export content to your stack using an auth token and a configuration file containing the parameters/options and their associated value. 

    To get started with this command, download this config file, add values to this file, and note down the path where you have saved this file.

    By doing so, you don’t need to provide parameters/options in the command separately.

    Tip: To store the exported content efficiently, create a folder named “content” in your system and make a note of its path.


    csdx cm:export -A -c <config_file_path>


    • -A, --auth-token: To use the auth token of the current session. It is automatically generated and stored in the session after running the login command.
    • -c, --config=config: The path of the configuration JSON file containing all the options for a single run. You can refer to an example config file.


    • To export content using a config file:
      csdx cm:export -A -c “C:/Users/Name/Desktop/cli/config.json


    • For assets, if you are exporting two or more assets having the same UID and file name, then only the first asset in the queue will get exported.
    • Currently, you cannot export content from the following modules:

    Next Steps

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