
CLI Authentication and Adding Tokens

After installing the CLI in your system and before using the commands, you first need to authenticate yourself. You can do this either by using the Login command or by adding the Management token which is stored in the local config.

Note: Even though we support using the delivery tokens for bulk publishing and unpublishing of entries/assets, we recommend using the Management token for efficient usability.




The auth:login command lets you log in to Contentstack and save the login information in your local config.

Note: The Contentstack CLI now supports Two-factor Authentication, which ensures additional security to your Contentstack account.

Open the terminal and run the following command to log in to your Contentstack account. Once you log in, you can use the Contentstack CLI commands such as Import, Export, Clone, Bulk Publish, Seed, Bootstrap, Migration, etc.


csdx auth:login


csdx login


  • -u, --username: Email address of your Contentstack account.
  • -p, --password: Password of your Contentstack account.
  • --oauth: Enables single sign-on (SSO) in Contentstack CLI.


  • csdx auth:login -u youremail@contentstack.com
  • csdx auth:login -u youremail@contentstack.com -p *****
  • csdx auth:login --username youremail@contentstack.com --password *****
  • csdx login -u youremail@contentstack.com.com
  • csdx auth:login --oauth


The auth:logout command lets you log out of Contentstack and clear the authentication from the local config.


csdx auth:logout


csdx logout


-y, --yes: Force log out by skipping the confirmation.


  • csdx auth:logout -y
  • csdx logout -y

Add Management Token

To perform content management tasks, we recommend using the management token.

Note: Before running this command, make sure you have generated a management token in your stack. 

The following command lets you add an existing management token from your Contentstack account and save it to the local config for further use.


csdx auth:tokens:add --management


  • -a, --alias=alias : Alias (name) you want to assign to the token
  • --management: Flag to set management token
  • -k, --stack-api-key=stack-api-key: API key of the stack where the token exists
  • --token=token: Value of the token
  • -y, --yes: Force token replace


  • To use options/parameters in a single line:
    csdx auth:tokens:add --management -a tokenname -k blt******** --token cs*********
  • To exclude confirmation when replacing the value of an existing management token:
    csdx auth:tokens:add --management -a tokenname -k blt******** --token cs********* -y
  • Note: This command will not add a new management token in your stack. It just lets you perform content management tasks through CLI by using the existing management token.

Add Delivery Token

For Bulk Publish commands, if you don’t want to use the management token, you can use the delivery token instead. However, you will not be able to execute import and export content commands by using the delivery token.

Note: Before running this command, make sure you have generated a delivery token in your stack.


csdx auth:tokens:add --delivery


  • -a, --alias=alias : Alias (name) of your delivery token
  • --delivery: Flag to set delivery token
  • -e, --environment=environment: Name of the environment to which the delivery token belongs
  • -k, --stack-api-key=stack-api-key: API key of the stack where the token exists
  • --token=token: Value of the token
  • -y, --yes: Force token replace


  • To use options/parameters in a single line:
    csdx auth:tokens:add --delivery -a tokenname -k blt******** --token cs*********
  • To exclude confirmation when replacing the value of an existing delivery token:
    csdx auth:tokens:add --delivery -a tokenname -k blt******** --token cs********* -y

Delete Token

The auth:tokens:remove command lets you delete a management/delivery token from your local config.

Note: This command will not delete the management/ delivery token from the stack, it deletes the token from the local config.


csdx auth:tokens:remove


  • -a,--alias=alias: Alias (name) of the token to delete.
  • -i,--ignore: Ignores if the token is not present.


  • csdx auth:tokens:remove -a mytoken
  • csdx auth:tokens:remove --alias=mytoken

List All Tokens

The auth:tokens command lists the existing tokens added to the local config.


csdx auth:tokens


  • -x,--extended: To show extra columns
  • --columns=columns: To display specific columns, separated by comma
  • --csv: Output is csv format.
  • --filter=filter: To filter the property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  • --no-header: To hide table’s header in output
  • --no-truncate: To not truncate output to fit screen
  • --output=csv|json|yaml: To display output in a particular format
  • --sort=sort: To sort the list, prepend '-' to sort in a descending order

Display Username of the Logged in User

The csdx auth:whoami command returns the username (email address) of the user who is currently logged in.


csdx auth:whoami


csdx whoami

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