
Azure DevOps

The Azure DevOps connector lets you automate your CI/CD workflow by running a pipeline. With this connector, you can automate the execution of the pipeline defined in the Azure DevOps dashboard.

Set up Azure DevOps

  1. Cliquez sur Configurer l'étape Action dans le panneau de navigation de gauche.
  2. Cliquez sur Action Step (étape d'action) pour configurer les services tiers.
  3. Dans la section Configurer l'étape Action, cliquez sur le connecteur Azure DevOps .

    Note: You can sort and search the connector(s) based on the filter.

  4. Sous Choisir une Action (onglet), sélectionnez l'action Run a Pipeline .
  5. Cliquez sur + Add New Account (+ Ajouter un nouveau compte) button to set up your Azure DevOps account.
  6. Dans Autoriser modal, enter a Titre, and an Access Token.
    To find your Access jeton, log in to the Azure DevOps dashboard and perform the following steps:
    1. Click User Settings besides the profile icon.
    2. Click Personal access tokens.
    3. Click + New Token.
    4. In the Build scope, click Run & execute.
    5. In the Project & team, click Read.
  7. Cliquez sur Autoriser .
  8. Saisissez l' Organisation Nom et sélectionnez un Project Nom dans le menu déroulant Lookup .
  9. Select a Pipeline Name from the Lookup dropdown. Each pipeline is linked with a GitHub repository where a YAML file is added to test the pipeline.
  10. Saisissez l' YAML Template Parameters dans JSON format you want to add in the YAML file to run the pipeline.
  11. Optionally, enable the Show optional fields toggle button to display the optional fields.
  12. Enter the Pipeline Version to select a specific pipeline. With the Preview Run checkbox, you can run and test the pipeline in any environment except production.
  13. Enter the Resource Data to add in the YAML file such as builds, repositories, containers, etc. Click + Add Skip Stage to skip any defined stage in the YAML file.
  14. Dans Personnaliser Variable field, pass the variables that you want to add in the Personnaliser YAML file. You can add one or more custom files in the Custom YAML field.
  15. Cliquez sur Continuer.
  16. Cliquez sur Test Action button to test the configured action.
  17. Click Save (Enregistrer) et Exit.

This sets the Azure DevOps action connector.

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