Azure DevOps
The Azure DevOps connector lets you automate your CI/CD workflow by running a pipeline. With this connector, you can automate the execution of the pipeline defined in the Azure DevOps dashboard.
Set up Azure DevOps
- Cliquez sur Configurer l'étape Action dans le panneau de navigation de gauche.
- Cliquez sur Action Step (étape d'action) pour configurer les services tiers.
- Dans la section Configurer l'étape Action, cliquez sur le connecteur Azure DevOps .
Note: You can sort and search the connector(s) based on the filter.
- Sous Choisir une Action (onglet), sélectionnez l'action Run a Pipeline .
- Cliquez sur + Add New Account (+ Ajouter un nouveau compte) button to set up your Azure DevOps account.
- Dans Autoriser modal, enter a Titre, and an Access Token.
To find your Access jeton, log in to the Azure DevOps dashboard and perform the following steps:- Click User Settings besides the profile icon.
- Click Personal access tokens.
- Click + New Token.
- In the Build scope, click Run & execute.
- In the Project & team, click Read.
- Cliquez sur Autoriser .
- Saisissez l' Organisation Nom et sélectionnez un Project Nom dans le menu déroulant Lookup .
- Select a Pipeline Name from the Lookup dropdown. Each pipeline is linked with a GitHub repository where a YAML file is added to test the pipeline.
- Saisissez l' YAML Template Parameters dans JSON format you want to add in the YAML file to run the pipeline.
- Optionally, enable the Show optional fields toggle button to display the optional fields.
- Enter the Pipeline Version to select a specific pipeline. With the Preview Run checkbox, you can run and test the pipeline in any environment except production.
- Enter the Resource Data to add in the YAML file such as builds, repositories, containers, etc. Click + Add Skip Stage to skip any defined stage in the YAML file.
- Dans Personnaliser Variable field, pass the variables that you want to add in the Personnaliser YAML file. You can add one or more custom files in the Custom YAML field.
- Cliquez sur Continuer.
- Cliquez sur Test Action button to test the configured action.
- Click Save (Enregistrer) et Exit.
This sets the Azure DevOps action connector.