
Automatic Translation with Automate and ChatGPT

Contentstack's Automate, along with ChatGPT, will help you automate the translation process.

Utilizing Contentstack's Workflow will ensure the entire process remains seamless. It also facilitates providing users with feedback, informing them about the specific stage they are at in the content creation process.

Initial Setup

To demonstrate this flow, we will create a Content Model that accepts the following data:

  1. Headline (Single Line Textbox)
  2. Description (Multi Line Textbox)

Additionally, we will need to set up a Workflow with the following stages:

  1. Draft
  2. Ready for Translation
  3. Translation Complete

Once we have these basics ready, we can set up the required automation for translation.

Building the Automation

  1. Create an Automation
    If you are new to Automate, this guide will help you get started with Automate
  2. Configure the Trigger
    Choose Connector → Contentstack → Workflow Trigger.
    Fill the required fields and then set the workflow stage to “Ready for Translation.”
  3. Get the Content to be translated
    Choose Connector → Contentstack → Get Single Entry.
    Configure the Get Single Entry action to get the data of the entry.
  4. Translate the Content using ChatGPT
    Choose Connector → ChatGPT → Configure Action.
    Choose the model and provide an appropriate prompt, such as: “Translate the following content for the French audience.”
    Remember to include the text from the previous step (Headline). It’s recommended to translate content on a per-field basis.
    Repeat the same process for the Description field.
  5. Update the Translated Content
    Configure Connector → Contentstack → Localize Entry.
    Add the required data, including the Entry Data. Here is an example:
        "entry": {
            "title":  "{{2.entry.title}}",
    	"headline": "{{3.response.0.message.content}}",
    	"description": "{{4.response.0.message.content}}"
  6. Update the Workflow Status
    Choose Connector → Contentstack → Workflow Trigger.
    Fill the required fields and then set the workflow stage to “Translation Complete”
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