Migrate from Release Preview App to Timeline
This migration guide provides a detailed breakdown of the necessary changes needed to transition from using the Release Preview App to Timeline.
The Release Preview App is a third party extension to preview your release, whereas the Timeline feature offers more functionality and versatility to preview how your site will appear once scheduled updates are made live, providing a comprehensive view of upcoming content transformations.
Note: The Release Preview app is no longer supported and has been removed from the Contentstack marketplace.
- Contentstack account
- Access to stack settings
- Preview token
- Website that uses Contentstack Delivery SDKs
- IFrame-compatible website to avoid CORS errors
- Website configured with Release Preview App
Upgrade Packages
Upgrade the JavaScript Delivery SDK and Live Preview Utils SDK to enable the timeline feature.
Note: The timeline feature requires Live Preview Utils version 2.0 or above.
For Client-side Rendering (CSR)
Use the following code snippet to update the SDKs for your CSR websites.
// UPGRADE npm i contentstack@latest @contentstack/live-preview-utils@latest
For Server-side Rendering (SSR)
Use the following code snippet to update the SDKs for your SSR websites.
// UPGRADE npm i contentstack@latest @contentstack/live-preview-utils@latest
Remove Live Preview Utils CSS
Live Preview Utils CSS is now included by default, so you no longer need to import it.
For Client-side Rendering (CSR)
Remove the following from your CSR website code.
// REMOVE LIVE PREVIEW UTILS import "@contentstack/live-preview-utils/dist/main.css"; import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtils.browser.min.js"; import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtilsStyle.css";
For Server-side Rendering (SSR)
Remove the following from your SSR website code.
// REMOVE LIVE PREVIEW UTILS import "@contentstack/live-preview-utils/dist/main.css"; import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtils.browser.min.js"; import "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview/dist/compareUtilsStyle.css";
Remove Release Preview App Setup Logic
Remove the following functions from your CSR and SSR website codes as they are by default handled by the server and SDK.
For Client-side Rendering (CSR)
Remove the ReleasePreviewPlugin code, ReleasePreview.init and Compare Utils as these functions are now handled by server and SDK.
import * as contentstack from "contentstack"; // REMOVE import { releaseReplaceAlgorithm, releaseReplacePreReq } from "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview"; // REMOVE class ReleasePreviewPlugin { onRequest (stack, request) { releaseReplacePreReq(stack, request); return request; } async onResponse(stack, request, response, data) { const _data = data['entries'] || data['assets'] || data['entry'] || data['asset']; await releaseReplaceAlgorithm(_data, stack); return data } } export const stack = contentstack.Stack({ plugins: [ // REMOVE new ReleasePreviewPlugin() ] });
Also remove the ReleasePreview.init functionality.
// App.tsx import ReleasePreview from "@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview"; // REMOVE import { useSearchParams } from "react-router-dom"; import { stack } from "./sdk"; import { getReleasePreviewSession } from "./utils"; // REMOVE function App() { const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true); const [searchParams] = useSearchParams(); useEffect(() => { (async () => { //* REMOVE start const release_preview_options = getReleasePreviewSession(searchParams); await ReleasePreview.init(stack, release_preview_options); //* REMOVE END setLoading(false); })(); }, []); return (isLoading ? null : /*YOUR COMPONENT HERE*/) }
For Server-side Rendering (SSR)
Remove the ReleasePreviewPlugin code, ReleasePreview.init and Compare Utils as these functions are now handled by server and SDK.
// sdk.js const contentstack = require("contentstack"); // REMOVE const { releaseReplaceAlgorithm, releaseReplacePreReq } = require("@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview"); // REMOVE class ReleasePreviewPlugin { onRequest (stack, request) { releaseReplacePreReq(stack, request); return request; } async onResponse(stack, request, response, data) { const _data = data['entries'] || data['assets'] || data['entry'] || data['asset']; await releaseReplaceAlgorithm(_data, stack); return data } } export const stack = contentstack.Stack({ plugins: [ // REMOVE new ReleasePreviewPlugin() ] });
Also remove the ReleasePreview.init functionality.
// app.js const { default: ReleasePreview } = require('@contentstack/delivery-plugin-release-preview'); const { stack } = require('./sdk'); // REMOVE const { getReleasePreviewSession } = require('./utils'); app.use(async (req, res, next) => { // REMOVE whole try catch block for init try { const release_preview_options = getReleasePreviewSession(req, res) await ReleasePreview.init(stack, release_preview_options); } catch(err) { console.error('error while setting release preview', err); } next(); })
Note: For first-time users, additional details on how to tree shake live preview utils and slim down your production build can be found in the Set Up Timeline for your Website documentation.