Get Started with JavaScript Personalize Edge SDK
The SDK is a wrapper over the Personalize Edge API, which is the decision engine that determines the variants to be shown to a user as well as the endpoint to track user impressions and events.
This step-by-step guide will help you get started with the JavaScript Personalize Edge SDK and build personalized applications powered by Contentstack.
- Website content sourced from a Contentstack stack
- Personalize project created and connected to a stack
- Personalize Project UID
Installing and Setup
If you are working with a Node.js-based project, use the following command to install the SDK:
$ npm i @contentstack/personalize-edge-sdk
Note: For NPM-based browser projects, use the same installation command as above.
Initialize the SDK
Initialization creates an instance of the SDK which can then be used to retrieve user specific experiences, track impressions, and log events. The initialization process varies depending on the context in which the SDK is being used, such as edge middleware, backend, or frontend.
Initialization involves an API call to the Edge API to fetch the manifest for the current user. This manifest is maintained throughout the SDK’s lifespan. Methods such as getExperiences and getVariantAliases rely on this manifest to provide their outputs.
To start using the SDK, import and configure Personazlize with your Project UID:
import Personalize from '@contentstack/personalize-edge-sdk';
let projectUid = 'your-project-uid';
// Using async-await:
const personalizeSdk = await Personalize.init(projectUid);
Initializing the SDK at the backend
In backend environments like edge middleware or an origin server, the SDK can retrieve user variants based on incoming requests. Since the context resides in the request object, you can pass it directly during initialization. The SDK uses the request to extract relevant data such as URL, IP address (for location-based personalization), referrer, device, and operating system.
const personalizeSdk = await Personalize.init(projectUid, {
userId: 'your-users-id', // optional
request, // the JavaScript request object for the request incoming from a user's browser
Initializing the SDK in the browser
In browser environments, you can initialize the SDK to track impressions and events. In client-side rendered applications, it also retrieves active variants for the current user, enabling real-time personalized content delivery.
As the browser lacks request context, the initialization is straightforward:
const personalizeSdk = await Personalize.init(projectUid, {
userId: 'your-users-id', // optional
Retrieve Experiences
Get the list of all the experiences in your project and their respective active variants. The experiences are sorted in decreasing order of priority, as defined in the Management Console.
const experiences = personalizeSdk.getExperiences();
// [{shortUid: 'a', activeVariantShortUid: '0'}, {shortUid: 'b', activeVariantShortUid: '1'}]
Retrieve Variant Aliases for Content Delivery
Get the list of Variant Aliases, which can be passed to the CMS Delivery API to fetch personalized entry variants.
const variantAliases = personalizeSdk.getVariantAliases();
// ['cs_personalize_a_0', 'cs_personalize_b_1']
Trigger an Event
The triggerEvent() method records significant user actions, such as clicking a CTA or scrolling to the end of a page, by passing an eventKey—a unique identifier defined in the Personalize Events module. This allows tracking conversions, analyzing user behavior, and measuring A/B test outcomes.
await personalizeSdk.triggerEvent('clickCTA');
Set Custom User Attributes
The set method allows you to define user attributes as key-value pairs representing user traits. To use these attributes, create them with matching keys in the Personalize Attributes module.
Note: Since the user attributes data is stored at our edge network around the world, please note that it may take up to one second for newly set attributes to be considered by our decision engine in determining the user's variants.
await personalizeSdk.set({ age: 20 });