
Get Started with Java Management SDK

This guide will help you get started with Contentstack Java Management SDK (that uses Content Management APIs) to manage Java apps powered by Contentstack.


  • Java version 8 or later.

SDK Installation and Setup

To install, you can use either Maven or Gradle.

Add the given code to your pom.xml file.


Add the given code to your build.gradle file.

repositories {
  dependencies {
      compile 'com.contentstack.sdk:cms:{version}'

To import the SDK, use the following command:

import com.contentstack.cms.Contentstack;
Contentstack client = new Contentstack.Builder().build();


To use this SDK, you need to authenticate users. You can do this by using an authtoken, credentials, or a management token (stack-level token). Let's discuss each of them in detail.


An authtoken is a read-write token used to make authorized CMA requests, and it is a user-specific token.

Contentstack client = new Contentstack.Builder().setAuthtoken("AUTHTOKEN").build();


To log in to Contentstack, provide your credentials as follows:

Contentstack client = new Contentstack.Builder().build();
client.login("EMAIL", "PASSWORD");

Management Token

Management tokens are stack-level tokens with no users attached to them.

<p>Contentstack client = new Contentstack.Builder().build();
client.login("EMAIL", "PASSWORD");
stack = contentstack.stack("APIKey", "managementToken").execute();</p>

Initialize your SDK

To use the Java Management SDK, you need to first initialize it.

package com.contentstack.cms.stack;
Contentstack client = new Contentstack.Builder().setAuthtoken("AUTHTOKEN").build();

For Setting the branch:

If you want to initialize the SDK in a particular branch, use the following code:

Contentstack client = new Contentstack.Builder().build();
client.login("EMAIL", "PASSWORD");
stack = contentstack.stack("APIKey", "managementToken", "branch").execute();

Proxy Configuration

Contentstack allows you to define HTTP proxy for your requests with the Java Management SDK. A proxied request allows you to anonymously access public URLs even from within a corporate firewall through a proxy server.

Here is the basic syntax of the proxy settings that you can pass within fetchOptions of the Java Management SDK:

Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("hostname", 433));
Contentstack client = new Contentstack.Builder().setProxy(proxy).setAuthtoken("authtoken").build();

Fetch Stack Details

To fetch your stack details through the SDK, use the following code:

Stack stack = new Contentstack.Builder().setAuthtoken("AUTHTOKEN").build().stack(headers);
Response<ResponseBody> response = stack.fetch().execute();

Create an Entry

You can use the following code to create an entry in a specific content type of a stack through the SDK:

Stack stack = new Contentstack.Builder().setAuthtoken("authtoken").build().stack(headers);
Entry entry = stack.entry("contentTypeUid");
JSONObject requestBody = ...
Response<ResponseBody> response = entry.create(requestBody).execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()){

Upload Assets

Use the following code snippet to upload assets to your stack through the SDK:

Stack stack = new Contentstack.Builder().setAuthtoken("authtoken").build().stack(headers);
Asset asset = stack.asset();
Response<ResponseBody> response = asset.uploadAsset("filePath", "description").execute();
if (response.isSuccessful()){
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