Healthcheck App Installation Guide
The Healthcheck app is an examining tool that provides a comprehensive view of your stack's health and performance. Its insights and tracking of key metrics, such as security vulnerabilities, publishing workflows, and content operations, alert you to any issues or bottlenecks.
By installing the Healthcheck app from the Contentstack Marketplace, you can easily analyze the health and performance of your stacks in Contentstack.
Note: The Healthcheck app supports up to 100,000 entries.
- Contentstack account
- Access to the Contentstack Organization/Stack as the Owner/Admin
- Full Page UI Location
Follow this step-by-step guide to install and configure the Healthcheck app within your stack.
Steps for Execution
Install and Configure the Healthcheck App in Marketplace
To install this app, log in to your Contentstack account and follow the steps below:
- From the left-hand side primary navigation, click the Marketplace icon.
- Click Apps from the left panel.
- Within the Marketplace, you can see all the available apps. Hover over the Healthcheck app and click Install.
- In the pop-up window, select the stack where you want to install the Healthcheck app, accept the Terms of Service, and click the Install button.
- On the Configuration screen, perform the following steps:
- Select the Branch and Environment from their respective drop-down menus and click Authorize.
- The app will display the organization's entities it will have to. Scroll down and click the Authorize button to complete the OAuth authorization.
Additional Resource: For more information, refer to the Branches, Environments, and Contentstack OAuth documentation.
- Select the Branch and Environment from their respective drop-down menus and click Authorize.
- Click the Save button.
- On the UI Locations tab, you can see the predefined app location. As the Healthcheck app is a Full Page Location app, the only UI location available is Full Page, as shown below.
Additional Resource: For more information, refer to the Full Page Location documentation.
- If the webhook is enabled for your app, you can view the webhook logs under the Webhook tab.
Additional Resource: For more information, on UI locations and webhooks, refer to the Installed Apps guide.
- Click Open Stack to start using the Healthcheck app.
- From the left-hand side primary navigation, click the Marketplace icon.
Use the Healthcheck App within your Stack
To use the Healthcheck app in your stack, log in to your Contentstack account and follow the steps below:
- Go to the stack dashboard (where you have installed the app). On the left-hand side primary navigation, you will find the Healthcheck app icon (as shown below).
- Click the app icon to view the Healthcheck app within your CMS.
- To check the health of your stack using the Healthcheck app, click Customize and Run.
- In the Customize Healthcheck modal, all applicable entities are pre-selected for checks by default. You can deselect the ones you don't want to run the checks on and proceed by clicking Save and Run.
- After the app finishes examining your stack, on the selected entities, it displays a comprehensive dashboard of its overall health.
The dashboard contains the details of the total number of checks run — the number of performed and skipped checks.
The pie-chart shows the number of items on which actions are required, areas of opportunities, and strengths (details discussed below).The left navigation panel displays the Overview, Security, Content Modeling, Content, Other Configurations, and Logs sections.
The top right corner contains three buttons:
- Download PDF: You can download the complete Healthcheck report by clicking this button.
- Customize: Clicking this button will open the Customize modal where you can select the entities to run the checks on and save the settings. Then, you can click the Re-run button.
- Re-Run: To re-run Healthcheck with the previous or new settings, click this button. A popup appears to show the running health check status. You can also hide the View Details section.
Once you click the Close button, you can only view the progress bar and cannot see the logs.
Let's discuss the left-navigation options in detail.
This is the default tab that opens when the app finishes its examination. It lets you view the Healthcheck Summary, including the Total Checks count (Performed and Skipped checks).
The pie chart represents the Performed Checks on the stack which are categorized based on the following three elements:
Actions Required: This represents the health issues with your stack that require your immediate attention. These could include overdue content updates, security vulnerabilities, naming inconsistencies, missing descriptions, unused content types, field reference levels for reference and group fields, or other concerns that need to be addressed to maintain the health and stability of the stack. They are represented in red.
Areas of Opportunities: This typically highlights potential improvements or optimization areas that you can address to enhance the stack's overall performance, security, and user experience. It may include recommendations for improving content organization, security vulnerabilities, content modeling, etc. It is represented in yellow.
Strengths: This section highlights the areas where your stack is performing well and adhering to the recommended best practices. These include efficient content modeling, effective delivery, robust security configurations, and smooth content authoring workflows. The Strengths section helps you identify the strengths of your stack setup. It is represented in green.
Under the Security tab, the Contentstack Healthcheck app examines potential security vulnerabilities or issues that could affect the stack's integrity and safety.
For example, expiring tokens, excessive unwanted tokens, access controls (single sign-on authentication and two-factor authentication), or insecure webhooks.
The Healthcheck app can analyze security-related metrics to help identify and address security concerns and keep the Contentstack platform secure and protected.
The Security section shows three categories:
Actions Required:
Areas of Opportunities:
You can click View Details to view the security issue in detail. Then, you can edit and resolve the issue by clicking the respective row or using the edit icon, which will take you to the respective settings section.
Additional Resource: For more information, refer to the Invite Users and Assign Roles documentation.
Content Modeling
Under the Content Modeling tab, the Healthcheck app displays the assessment results related to the integrity and structure of your content model.
This includes checking for naming standards, unused or rarely used content types and global fields, missing descriptions, exceeding nesting levels in groups and reference fields, and validation rules and messages.
These checks help identify problems with how your content is structured and organized within the stack.
The Healthcheck app Content Modeling section results in three categories:
Actions Required:
Areas of Opportunities:
You can click View Details to view the content type, field, and global field related issues in detail. Then, you can edit and resolve the issue by clicking the respective row or using the edit icon, which will take you to the content type, field, and global field editing page, respectively.
Additional Resource: For more information, refer to the Content Modeling and Content Types documentation.
Under the Content tab, you will see the assessment results for Entries and Assets. The Healthcheck app is designed to thoroughly evaluate the health and integrity of the entries content and digital assets managed within the stack.
This includes checks for examining unused entries, test entries, image size optimization, unused digital assets, and folders.
By performing these content-centric checks, the Healthcheck app provides valuable insights, empowering users and administrators to identify and address any issues or discrepancies that may arise. This helps maintain the reliability, consistency, and performance of your stack.
The Healthcheck app Content section results in three categories:
Actions Required:
Areas of Opportunities:
You can click View Details to view the entries and assets issue in detail. Then, you can edit and resolve the issue by clicking the respective row or using the edit icon, which will take you to your stack settings.
Additional Resource: For more information, refer to the Entries and Assets documentation.
Other Configurations
Under the Other Configurations tab, the Healthcheck app also checks for configurations related to Webhooks, Environments, Workflows, Releases, Locales, Users, Custom User Roles, Extensions, and more. These additional checks help ensure your stack's overall performance and proper functioning.
The Healthcheck app Other Configurations section results in three categories:
Actions Required:
Areas of Opportunities:
You can click View Details to view the issue in detail. Then, you can edit and resolve the issue by clicking the respective row or using the edit icon, which will take you to your stack settings.
Additional Resource: For more information, refer to the Contentstack documentation.
Under the Logs tab, the Healthcheck app records events and system activities related to the health and performance of your stack. These logs can help users and administrators identify and troubleshoot issues within the Contentstack environment.
The Info tab displays all logs (along with the number of logs), whereas the Skipped tab shows the skipped logs.
- Go to the stack dashboard (where you have installed the app). On the left-hand side primary navigation, you will find the Healthcheck app icon (as shown below).
- The actual count depends on the number and complexity of content types and the number of entries associated with them. For further details, please contact
- It is recommended to perform the health check during off-peak hours to minimize potential rate-limit issues. The process utilizes your Content Management API (CMA) bandwidth, so scheduling it during quieter times ensures seamless and uninterrupted operations.