
Build Image

Build image is a snapshot of an operating system that has various packages pre installed. When a deployment is triggered on Launch, the build image is used to provision a new container which would then perform the task of building your website.

Currently, Launch uses the linux/amd64 node:18.x-bullseye-slim as the base image for Node.js 18.x, linux/amd64 node:20.x-bullseye-slim for Node.js 20.x, and linux/amd64 node:22.x-bullseye-slim for Node.js 22.x during deployments. This base image provides a stable and lightweight environment for building your websites. You can pull and run this image locally as well in order to debug or determine the compatibility of your website builds on Launch.

Pre-installed Packages

Launch provides a pre-configured build environment with essential tools and packages like build-essential and Python3.

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