Mark as Group Title
The Mark as Group title property allows you to assign the value of a specific field as the title of a particular Group field.
This property appears in the Advanced section of the field properties window of Single Line Textbox, Multi Line Textbox, Number, File, Boolean, Rich Text Editor, JSON Rich Text Editor, Markdown, or Reference field within a Group field.
- This option is only available when the Group field is marked as Multiple.
- Fields marked as Multiple cannot be set as the Group title, except for the Reference field, which can be marked as Multiple and still be set as the Group title.
- Changing existing field properties may result in data loss. To prevent this, refer to our Content Type Change Management guide before making changes.
Example Use Case
For example, when creating a news app, you might have multiple news stories following the same schema. To distinguish between these multiple stories, you can set the field assigned for "Headline" as the title of the Group field, as shown below:

Additional Resources: Check out our Content Modeling guide to learn how to define the structure for your Content Type.