
Configure Early Access in the CLI

Contentstack’s Early Access program provides customers with the opportunity to explore Contentstack's products and features before they are generally available. Through this program, users can engage in collaborative communication with the product teams, enabling them to test and influence the development of products tailored to their organization's unique requirements.

The configuration of headers in a Command Line Interface (CLI) involves the setting of HTTP headers when interacting with web services or APIs through the command line. The Early Access header support in CLI includes commands to set, get and remove headers for requests made to web servers or APIs for Contentstack products and features before they are generally available.

This step-by-step guide lets you configure and use the Early Access header in the CLI.



Set Early Access Header

The config:set:early-access-header command lets you set an Early Access header with an alias name and value in the CLI.

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Fire the following command:
    csdx config:set:early-access-header
  3. Enter an alias name for the Early Access header.
  4. Enter a value for the Early Access header.

You have successfully set an Early Access header in the CLI.

Alternatively, you can pass the alias and value in the command as given below:

csdx config:set:early-access-header  --header-alias <alias_name> --header <value>


csdx config:set:early-access-header


csdx config:set:ea-header


  • --header=header: (optional) Provide the Early Access header value.
  • --header-alias=header-alias: (optional) Provide the Early Access header alias name.


  • To set an Early Access header by providing the header value:
    csdx config:set:early-access-header  --header 3.2
  • To set an Early Access header by providing the header value and alias name:
    csdx config:set:early-access-header  --header-alias ta****my --header tx

Get Early Access Header

The config:get:early-access-header command fetches a list of the Early Access headers that you have set in the CLI.

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Fire the following command:
    csdx config:get:early-access-header

You have successfully retrieved a list of Early Access headers you have set in the CLI.


csdx config:get:early-access-header


csdx config:get:ea-header

Remove Early Access Header

The config:remove:early-access-header command lets you remove an existing Early Access header configuration from the CLI.

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Fire the following command:
    csdx config:remove:early-access-header
  3. Enter the alias name of the Early Access header for which you want to remove the configuration.
  4. In the prompt that appears, enter the following:
    • Yes, to remove the configuration of the provided Early Access header.
    • No, to skip removing the Early Access header configuration.

You have successfully removed the configuration of the provided Early Access header from the CLI.


csdx config:remove:early-access-header


csdx config:remove:ea-header


  • -y,--yes: (optional) Force the removal of Early Access header configuration by skipping the confirmation.
  • --header-alias=header-alias: (optional) Provide the Early Access header alias name.


  • To remove the configuration of an Early Access header by skipping the confirmation:
    csdx config:remove:early-access-header  --yes
  • To remove the configuration of an Early Access header by providing the header alias name:
    csdx config:remove:early-access-header  --header-alias ta****my
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