
CLI for Launch

Launch is a deployment platform that enables you to host your Contentstack-powered JAM stack website instantly. Launch hosts websites managed by any CMS (headless or traditional).

You can create a new project in Launch and link it with your GitHub repository. Launch picks that code and deploys your website instantly. Launch also allows you to create a project by directly uploading a project folder or a .zip file.

This step-by-step guide discusses how you can perform different operations in Launch using the CLI.


  • Contentstack account
  • CLI installed and configured for AWS (version 1.6.0 and above), Azure (version 1.23.0 and above), or GCP (version 1.31.0 and above)
  • CLI authenticated (the cli-launch plugin supports only login-based authentication)
  • Access to Launch for your organization
  • GitHub account where your website code is hosted

    Note: This prerequisite is applicable only if you are importing a project via GitHub.


Contentstack Launch lets you perform the following operations in Contentstack CLI:

Launch (Create a Project)

To begin with, create a project in Launch using the CLI by importing a project from GitHub or uploading a file. To do this, follow the steps given below:

  1. Open the terminal and fire the launch command:
    • Run the below command if you are in the current working directory.
      csdx launch
    • If you are in a different directory, provide the path of the current working directory.
      csdx launch --data-dir <path>

      Note: If you choose GitHub to create your project, provide the directory path in the Git repository as the current working directory path.

    Note: Launch automatically identifies Git projects.

  2. If your current working directory is not a Git repository, you will be prompted to choose a project type to proceed. Select Continue with GitHub or Continue with FileUpload to proceed.
  3. Select the organization where you want to create your project.
  4. In this step, select a branch if you decided to create your project using GitHub.
  5. Enter a name for your project.
  6. Enter a name for your Environment or press Enter to proceed with the Default environment.
  7. By default, Launch identifies the framework. Select a Framework Preset if you want to change the default framework, and then press Enter.
  8. In the Build Command section, perform one of the following:
    • Press Enter if you want to proceed with the default Build command npm run build.
    • Or, enter a new build command or update the existing command if you want to customize the command.
  9. Enter the output path in the Output Directory section or press Enter to proceed with the default output path.
  10. Enter the server command in the Server Command section or press Enter to proceed.
  11. In the next step, follow the instructions provided on screen to perform one of the following:
    • Import variables from a stack
    • Manually add custom variables to the list
    • Import variables from the local env file

      Note: Create a .env.local file in the repo to import variables from the local env file.

  12. A prompt, Would you like to add more variables.? appears.
    • Enter Y to add another custom variable.
    • Enter n to proceed with the project deployment.
    You have successfully deployed a Launch project using the CLI.


csdx launch


  • -a, --alias=alias_token: [optional] Alias (name) for the delivery token.
  • -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
  • -c, --config=config: Path to the local config file.
  • --type=type: Type of adapters. <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
  • -e, --environment=environment: [optional] Environment name for the Launch project.
  • -n, --name=name: [optional] Name of the project.
  • --branch=branch: [optional] GitHub branch name.
  • --build-command=build-command: [optional] Build Command.
  • --env-variables=env-variables: [optional] Provide the environment variables in the key:value format, separated by comma. For example: APP_ENV:prod, TEST_ENV:testVal
  • --framework=<option>: [optional] Type of framework. <options: <Gatsby|NextJS|Other>
  • --org=org: [optional] Provide the organization UID to create a new project or deployment.
  • --out-dir=outdir: [optional] Output Directory.
  • --init: [Optional, Hidden] Reinitialize the project if it is an existing Launch project.
  • --variable-type=variable-type: [optional] Provide a variable type. <options: Import variables from a stack|Manually add custom variables to the list|Import variables from the local env file>
  • --server-command=serverCommand: [optional] Server Command.


  • To create a Launch project by providing the config file path and file type:
    csdx launch --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
  • To create a Launch project by providing the directory path and file type:
    csdx launch --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
  • To create a Launch project by passing the server command:
    csdx launch --config <path to launch config file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --server-command=<value>
  • To create a Launch project by providing a variable type:
    csdx launch --config <path to launch config file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --variable-type="Import variables from a stack" --alias=<value>
  • To create a Launch project by providing a variable type and environment variables:
    csdx launch --config <path to launch config file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --variable-type="Manually add custom variables to the list" --env-variables="APP_ENV:prod, TEST_ENV:testVal"

Note: If multiple branches are identified in the configuration, you will be prompted to Choose a branch to proceed with the Launch operations. A single config file can have multiple configurations based on the branch.

Launch (Redeploy an Existing Project)

To redeploy or re-initialize an existing project, run the launch command using the project’s directory path or execute it from the current working directory.

  • If the cs-launch.json file is present in the project directory, the existing project will be redeployed.
  • If the cs-launch.json file is absent, you will be prompted to create a new project.


If the cs-launch.json file is present, then run the following command to redeploy from the current working directory:

csdx launch

If you are using GitHub projects, after running the command, you will see a prompt as shown in the screenshot below:

  • Press Y to redeploy using the latest commit on GitHub.
  • Press n to cancel the process.

If you are using the File Upload projects, after running the command, you will see a prompt as shown in the screenshot below:

  • Press Y to redeploy the existing launch project.

    You will be prompted to select a redeployment method, as shown in the screenshot below:

    • Select the preferred redeployment method and press Enter.
      • Redeploy with last file upload: Redeploys the last uploaded file.
      • Redeploy with new file: Uploads a new file containing the latest changes to the project.

      Your project will be redeployed.

  • Press n to cancel the process.


  • -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
  • -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
  • --redeploy-latest: [optional] Redeploy the latest commit/code.
    • For 'File Upload' projects, redeploy by uploading the updated files.
    • For 'GitHub' projects, redeploy using the latest commit.
  • --redeploy-last-upload: [optional] Redeploy using the last uploaded file (applicable only for the 'File Upload' projects).


  • To redeploy using the project’s directory path, use --data-dir:
    csdx launch --data-dir <project-directory-path>
  • To redeploy an existing GitHub project with the latest commit, use --redeploy-latest:
    csdx launch --redeploy-latest
  • To redeploy an existing File Upload project with a new zip file, use --redeploy-latest:
    csdx launch --redeploy-latest
  • To redeploy an existing File Upload project with the last uploaded file, use --redeploy-last-upload:
    csdx launch --redeploy-last-upload
  • To redeploy an existing File Upload project with the new zip file from a specific path, using a specific config file, use --redeploy-latest, --data-dir and --config:
    csdx launch --data-dir=/root/src/project1  --redeploy-latest 


You can fetch the previous deployment logs and the latest server logs for Launch projects in CLI using the launch:logs command.

  1. Open a terminal and fire the launch:logs command:
    csdx launch:logs
  2. Select the organization where you created the project.
  3. Select your project for which you want to fetch the logs.
  4. Select the required environment.
  5. You have successfully fetched the logs for your selected project.


csdx launch:logs


  • -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
  • -c, --config=config: Path to the local config file.
  • -e, --environment=environment: Environment name or UID.
  • --deployment=deployment: Deployment number or UID.
  • --type=type: Type of flags to show logs. By default, these are server logs. Options [d - deployment logs, s - server logs]

Note: If you do not pass a deployment ID, by default Launch fetches the latest deployment logs.


  • To fetch Launch project logs based on the environment number and type of flags:
    csdx launch:logs -e "environment number or uid" --type "types of flags"
  • To fetch Launch project logs based on the environment number and deployment number:
    csdx launch:logs -e "environment number or uid" --deployment "deployment number or uid"


You can test your Launch project Cloud Functions locally using the launch:functions command in CLI.


csdx launch:functions


  • -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
  • -c, --config=config: Path to the local config file.
  • -p, --port=port: [default: 3000] Port number.


  • To test your Launch project Cloud Function locally:
    csdx launch:functions
  • To test your Launch project Cloud Function locally in a specific port:
    csdx launch:functions -p "port number"


You can display the list of deployments for an environment for Launch projects using the launch:deployments command in CLI.

  1. Open a terminal and fire the launch:deployments command:
    csdx launch:deployments
  2. Select the organization where you created the project.
  3. Select your project.
  4. Select the environment for which you want to list the deployments.

You have successfully listed the deployments for the selected environment.


csdx launch:deployments


  • -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
  • -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
  • -e, --environment=environment: Environment name or UID.
  • -–org=org: [Optional] Provide the organization UID.
  • -–project=project: [Optional] Provide the project UID.


  • To list the deployments in your current working directory
    csdx launch:deployments -d "current working directory"
  • To list the deployments for a given environment
    csdx launch:deployments -e "environment number or uid"


You can display the list of environments that are available for a particular project using the launch:environments command in CLI.

  1. Open a terminal and fire the launch:environments command:
    csdx launch:environments
  2. Select the organization where you created the project.
  3. Select your project.

You have successfully listed the environments for the selected project.


csdx launch:environments


  • -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
  • -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
  • -–org=org: [Optional] Provide the organization UID.
  • -–project=project: [Optional] Provide the project UID.


  • To list the environments in your current working directory
    csdx launch:environments -d "current working directory"
  • To list the environments for a specific project under a given organization
    csdx launch:environments --org=<org UID> --project=<Project UID>


You can open the live site for an environment of your Launch projects using the launch:open command in CLI.

  1. Open the terminal and fire the launch:open command:
    csdx launch:open
  2. Select the organization where you created the project.
  3. Select your project.
  4. Select the environment for which you want to view the live site.

You have successfully opened the live site for the selected environment.


csdx launch:open


  • -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
  • -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
  • -e, --environment=environment: Environment name or UID.
  • -–org=org: [Optional] Provide the organization UID.
  • -–project=project: [Optional] Provide the project UID.


  • To open the website for an environment by passing your current working directory
    csdx launch:open --environment=environment --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir>
  • To open the website for an environment for a given configuration
    csdx launch:open --environment=environment --config <path/to/launch/config/file>
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