CLI for Launch
Launch is a deployment platform that enables you to host your Contentstack-powered JAM stack website instantly. Launch hosts websites managed by any CMS (headless or traditional).
You can create a new project in Launch and link it with your GitHub repository. Launch picks that code and deploys your website instantly. Launch also allows you to create a project by directly uploading a project folder or a .zip file.
This step-by-step guide discusses how you can perform different operations in Launch using the CLI.
- Contentstack account
- CLI installed and configured for AWS (version 1.6.0 and above), Azure (version 1.23.0 and above), or GCP (version 1.31.0 and above)
- CLI authenticated (the cli-launch plugin supports only login-based authentication)
- Access to Launch for your organization
- GitHub account where your website code is hosted
Note: This prerequisite is applicable only if you are importing a project via GitHub.
Contentstack Launch lets you perform the following operations in Contentstack CLI:
Launch (Create a Project)
To begin with, create a project in Launch using the CLI by importing a project from GitHub or uploading a file. To do this, follow the steps given below:
- Open the terminal and fire the launch command:
- Run the below command if you are in the current working directory.
csdx launch
- If you are in a different directory, provide the path of the current working directory.
csdx launch --data-dir <path>
Note: If you choose GitHub to create your project, provide the directory path in the Git repository as the current working directory path.
Note: Launch automatically identifies Git projects.
- Run the below command if you are in the current working directory.
- If your current working directory is not a Git repository, you will be prompted to choose a project type to proceed. Select Continue with GitHub or Continue with FileUpload to proceed.
- Select the organization where you want to create your project.
- In this step, select a branch if you decided to create your project using GitHub.
- Enter a name for your project.
- Enter a name for your Environment or press Enter to proceed with the Default environment.
- By default, Launch identifies the framework. Select a Framework Preset if you want to change the default framework, and then press Enter.
- In the Build Command section, perform one of the following:
- Press Enter if you want to proceed with the default Build command npm run build.
- Or, enter a new build command or update the existing command if you want to customize the command.
- Enter the output path in the Output Directory section or press Enter to proceed with the default output path.
- Enter the server command in the Server Command section or press Enter to proceed.
- In the next step, follow the instructions provided on screen to perform one of the following:
- Import variables from a stack
- Manually add custom variables to the list
- Import variables from the local env file
Note: Create a .env.local file in the repo to import variables from the local env file.
- A prompt, Would you like to add more variables.? appears.
- Enter Y to add another custom variable.
- Enter n to proceed with the project deployment.
csdx launch
- -a, --alias=alias_token: [optional] Alias (name) for the delivery token.
- -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
- -c, --config=config: Path to the local config file.
- --type=type: Type of adapters. <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
- -e, --environment=environment: [optional] Environment name for the Launch project.
- -n, --name=name: [optional] Name of the project.
- --branch=branch: [optional] GitHub branch name.
- --build-command=build-command: [optional] Build Command.
- --env-variables=env-variables: [optional] Provide the environment variables in the key:value format, separated by comma. For example: APP_ENV:prod, TEST_ENV:testVal
- --framework=<option>: [optional] Type of framework. <options: <Gatsby|NextJS|Other>
- --org=org: [optional] Provide the organization UID to create a new project or deployment.
- --out-dir=outdir: [optional] Output Directory.
- --init: [Optional, Hidden] Reinitialize the project if it is an existing Launch project.
- --variable-type=variable-type: [optional] Provide a variable type. <options: Import variables from a stack|Manually add custom variables to the list|Import variables from the local env file>
- --server-command=serverCommand: [optional] Server Command.
- To create a Launch project by providing the config file path and file type:
csdx launch --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
- To create a Launch project by providing the directory path and file type:
csdx launch --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
- To create a Launch project by passing the server command:
csdx launch --config <path to launch config file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --server-command=<value>
- To create a Launch project by providing a variable type:
csdx launch --config <path to launch config file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --variable-type="Import variables from a stack" --alias=<value>
- To create a Launch project by providing a variable type and environment variables:
csdx launch --config <path to launch config file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --variable-type="Manually add custom variables to the list" --env-variables="APP_ENV:prod, TEST_ENV:testVal"
Note: If multiple branches are identified in the configuration, you will be prompted to Choose a branch to proceed with the Launch operations. A single config file can have multiple configurations based on the branch.
Launch (Redeploy an Existing Project)
To redeploy or re-initialize an existing project, run the launch command using the project’s directory path or execute it from the current working directory.
- If the cs-launch.json file is present in the project directory, the existing project will be redeployed.
- If the cs-launch.json file is absent, you will be prompted to create a new project.
If the cs-launch.json file is present, then run the following command to redeploy from the current working directory:
csdx launch
If you are using GitHub projects, after running the command, you will see a prompt as shown in the screenshot below:

- Press Y to redeploy using the latest commit on GitHub.
- Press n to cancel the process.
If you are using the File Upload projects, after running the command, you will see a prompt as shown in the screenshot below:

- Press Y to redeploy the existing launch project.
You will be prompted to select a redeployment method, as shown in the screenshot below:
- Select the preferred redeployment method and press Enter.
- Redeploy with last file upload: Redeploys the last uploaded file.
- Redeploy with new file: Uploads a new file containing the latest changes to the project.
Your project will be redeployed.
- Select the preferred redeployment method and press Enter.
- Press n to cancel the process.
- -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
- -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
- --redeploy-latest: [optional] Redeploy the latest commit/code.
- For 'File Upload' projects, redeploy by uploading the updated files.
- For 'GitHub' projects, redeploy using the latest commit.
- --redeploy-last-upload: [optional] Redeploy using the last uploaded file (applicable only for the 'File Upload' projects).
- To redeploy using the project’s directory path, use --data-dir:
csdx launch --data-dir <project-directory-path>
- To redeploy an existing GitHub project with the latest commit, use --redeploy-latest:
csdx launch --redeploy-latest
- To redeploy an existing File Upload project with a new zip file, use --redeploy-latest:
csdx launch --redeploy-latest
- To redeploy an existing File Upload project with the last uploaded file, use --redeploy-last-upload:
csdx launch --redeploy-last-upload
- To redeploy an existing File Upload project with the new zip file from a specific path, using a specific config file, use --redeploy-latest, --data-dir and --config:
csdx launch --data-dir=/root/src/project1 --redeploy-latest --config=/root/configs/project1/dev.json
You can fetch the previous deployment logs and the latest server logs for Launch projects in CLI using the launch:logs command.
- Open a terminal and fire the launch:logs command:
csdx launch:logs
- Select the organization where you created the project.
- Select your project for which you want to fetch the logs.
- Select the required environment. You have successfully fetched the logs for your selected project.
csdx launch:logs
- -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
- -c, --config=config: Path to the local config file.
- -e, --environment=environment: Environment name or UID.
- --deployment=deployment: Deployment number or UID.
- --type=type: Type of flags to show logs. By default, these are server logs. Options [d - deployment logs, s - server logs]
Note: If you do not pass a deployment ID, by default Launch fetches the latest deployment logs.
- To fetch Launch project logs based on the environment number and type of flags:
csdx launch:logs -e "environment number or uid" --type "types of flags"
- To fetch Launch project logs based on the environment number and deployment number:
csdx launch:logs -e "environment number or uid" --deployment "deployment number or uid"
You can test your Launch project Cloud Functions locally using the launch:functions command in CLI.
csdx launch:functions
- -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
- -c, --config=config: Path to the local config file.
- -p, --port=port: [default: 3000] Port number.
- To test your Launch project Cloud Function locally:
csdx launch:functions
- To test your Launch project Cloud Function locally in a specific port:
csdx launch:functions -p "port number"
You can display the list of deployments for an environment for Launch projects using the launch:deployments command in CLI.
- Open a terminal and fire the launch:deployments command:
csdx launch:deployments
- Select the organization where you created the project.
- Select your project.
- Select the environment for which you want to list the deployments.
You have successfully listed the deployments for the selected environment.
csdx launch:deployments
- -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
- -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
- -e, --environment=environment: Environment name or UID.
- -–org=org: [Optional] Provide the organization UID.
- -–project=project: [Optional] Provide the project UID.
- To list the deployments in your current working directory
csdx launch:deployments -d "current working directory"
- To list the deployments for a given environment
csdx launch:deployments -e "environment number or uid"
You can display the list of environments that are available for a particular project using the launch:environments command in CLI.
- Open a terminal and fire the launch:environments command:
csdx launch:environments
- Select the organization where you created the project.
- Select your project.
You have successfully listed the environments for the selected project.
csdx launch:environments
- -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
- -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
- -–org=org: [Optional] Provide the organization UID.
- -–project=project: [Optional] Provide the project UID.
- To list the environments in your current working directory
csdx launch:environments -d "current working directory"
- To list the environments for a specific project under a given organization
csdx launch:environments --org=<org UID> --project=<Project UID>
You can open the live site for an environment of your Launch projects using the launch:open command in CLI.
- Open the terminal and fire the launch:open command:
csdx launch:open
- Select the organization where you created the project.
- Select your project.
- Select the environment for which you want to view the live site.
You have successfully opened the live site for the selected environment.
csdx launch:open
- -d, --data-dir=data-dir: Current working directory.
- -c, --config=config: Path to the local '.cs-launch.json' file.
- -e, --environment=environment: Environment name or UID.
- -–org=org: [Optional] Provide the organization UID.
- -–project=project: [Optional] Provide the project UID.
- To open the website for an environment by passing your current working directory
csdx launch:open --environment=environment --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir>
- To open the website for an environment for a given configuration
csdx launch:open --environment=environment --config <path/to/launch/config/file>