
Audience Preview

Note: The Audience Preview feature is currently available as part of an Early Access Program and may not be available to all users. For more information, you can reach out to our support team.

The Audience Preview in Timeline lets you select different user segments or groups, such as geographic regions, customer types, or languages, and preview how the content will appear for each audience within the Timeline. This feature is invaluable for managing content variations targeted at different audiences, ensuring each group receives the most relevant and engaging experience.

Note: To use the Audience Preview, you must have the Personalize feature enabled for your organization and an Experience linked to your stack.

To access Audience Preview, log in to your Contentstack account, navigate to your stack, and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Visual Experience icon in the left panel. By default you would see the Timeline preview.
  2. In the right sidebar, click the Audiences icon.
  3. Select A/B Testing or Segmented Experience and choose your experience to view the audience conditions that trigger the preview.
  4. From the Select Audiences dropdown, choose one or more audiences that match your variant conditions.
  5. Once the audience conditions are matched, the active variant will be displayed next to your experience title. This filters the content to preview the relevant entry variants for the selected audience segment.Audience-Preview-1.gif

The Audience Preview feature in Timeline empowers content managers to efficiently visualize and manage personalized content experiences for different user segments. By providing a straightforward way to see how content appears for each audience directly within the Timeline, you can ensure every audience receives the most relevant and engaging experience.

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