
Limitations for Entry Variants

  • The Entry Variants feature is currently available as part of an Early Access Program and may not be available to all users. For more information, you can reach out to our support team.
  • The Taxonomy field does not support the Variants feature.
  • You cannot create, edit, or delete the title and description of variant groups or variants within the stack.
  • Import and Export functionality for entry variants is not available.
  • Entry Variants cannot be restored from Trash.
  • Localization of entry variants is not supported.
  • Variant groups, variants, and entry variants are only supported on the main branch. When you create a new branch, the entry variants, variant groups, and variants will not be cloned.
  • Custom queries cannot be added for entry variants.
  • Subqueries (i.e. anything in ?query) using query operators only match data from the base entry, not from variant-specific data.

Limitations for Variant Publishing Payload

  • Requests are consolidated into a single entry, retaining only the latest entry variant and discarding duplicates, similar to JavaScript's handling of duplicate keys in objects.
  • The UI retrieves all variants in a single request, making merging straightforward due to the consistent locale and environment.
  • With APIs, different publishing locales may result in separate requests for the same item with different entry variants. Contentstack cannot pre-process these requests; you must submit a single, merged request.
  • You don't need to include the base entry version in the payload. The entry variant will be published based on the latest version or as dictated by the variant_rules toggle. If the base entry version is included, the system will ignore it.
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