
Edit Item in Knowledge Vault

Update and manage items in the Knowledge Vault to keep your documents and data organized and up-to-date. You can manually update the text in the editor and change the already uploaded file.

Note: Only Brand Kit Owner/Admin can edit items in the Knowledge Vault.


Steps for Execution

Note: For this guide, we have assumed that you have added items in the Knowledge Vault inside your Brand Kit.

To edit an existing item in Knowledge Vault, log in to your Contentstack account and perform the following steps:

  1. On the left navigation panel, click the Brand Kit icon.1-Brand-Kit-Icon
  2. Select the Brand Kit in which you want to update a Knowledge Vault item.2-Knowledge-Vault-Select-Brand-Kit
  3. Click Knowledge Vault from the left navigation panel.3-Knowledge-Vault-Icon
  4. You can edit a Knowledge Vault item by clicking the item to open it, or by clicking the corresponding vertical ellipses under the Actions column and selecting Edit.4-Knowledge-Vault-Edit-Item
  5. Edit the text manually or update the existing file, then click Save to save the changes.5-Knowledge-Vault-Edit-Item-Save

You will get a success message after the Knowledge Vault item is edited.

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