
Mention Users or Roles in a Comment

To notify a specific user or role about a comment, you can tag them inside the comment. They will receive an email as well as an in-app notification.

Tip: You can mention a maximum of 20 users (e.g., John Smith) and 20 roles (e.g., Developer) in a single comment.

To tag a user or role in a comment, log in to Contentstack and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to your stack, and edit an existing entry.
  2. On the entry page, hover over the field and click the Add comment icon.
  3. While entering a comment, type “@” and start typing the name of the person or role you need to mention. From the suggestions provided, select the user you want to tag.Mention-Users-or-Roles-in-a-Comment-1-Tag-User-In-Comment-within-RTE

    Note: You can now mention users or roles for specific content blocks, texts, and images within the JSON RTE Comments.

  4. Once done, click Post.

Note: Any user or role with “read” access to a specific content type or entry will be able to use the entry comments feature.

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