
Asset Limitations

  • The filename or URL of an asset cannot include the following characters:
    # % ^ + \ / ? \ * : | " ' < > \ s { } = ,

    Note: Any restricted character will automatically be replaced with an underscore (_).

  • The maximum file size allowed for an asset is 700 MB via UI and 100 MB via API.
  • A maximum of 10 assets can be uploaded in a single batch.
  • Each stack can store up to 10,000 assets.
  • When optimizing images,
    • The maximum input file size is 50 MB
    • The maximum input image dimensions cannot exceed 12,000 x 12,000 pixels
    • The maximum output image dimensions are limited to 8,192 x 8,192 pixels (8K Ultra HD)
    • Animated GIFs can include a maximum of 1,000 frames

Note: To request an increase in any of the default limits, contact our support team.

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