
Invite Users to Organization

When you add users to your Organization, you send them an invitation mail with the required details to join your stack.

Log in to your Contentstack account and perform the steps given below to invite a user:

  1. Click the Organization dropdown in the header and select the Organization that you want to access.
  2. Click the “Org Admin” icon on the left navigation panel and select Users from the menu. You will see the list of users within your Organization.
  3. Click the Invite User button.
  4. In the Invite User page, enter the following details for the new user:
    1. Email: Enter the user’s email address
    2. Assign Organization Role: Assign an Organization role to the new user. You can only assign either the Admin or Member role.
    3. Stack-level permissions: Assign stack-specific roles to the user.Invite_Users_to_Organization_1_highlighted
  5. Finally, click Invite to invite the user.

Note: If users are directly invited to an Organization but not assigned any stacks, they won’t be a part of any stack and thus will not be able to do anything..

Invite Users to SSO-enabled Organizations

For Single Sign-On (SSO) enabled organizations, the process of inviting users works similarly. The only difference is that if “Strict Mode” is disabled for your SSO organization, you may get an additional checkbox Allow Access without SSO on this screen. Checking this box ensures that the invited user can access the SSO-enabled organization using his/her Contentstack credentials, instead of IdP credentials.

API Reference

You can refer to the following user-related API requests:

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