Configure Regions in the CLI
The config namespace contains all the commands that you will need to configure the CLI as per your requirements.
Contentstack currently supports the following regions:
Cloud Provider |
Region |
Arguments |
North America |
NA |
Europe |
EU |
Azure |
North America |
Azure-NA |
Azure |
Europe |
Azure-EU |
Google Cloud Platform |
North America |
Google Cloud Platform |
Europe |
Using the following set of commands you can configure the regions in the CLI.
Get region
The config:get:region command will return the name of the region on which you are performing actions in Contentstack, via the CLI.
csdx config:get:region
Set region
The config:set:region command lets you select a region, from the available Contentstack regions, to perform actions using the CLI.
csdx config:set:region <<region>>
- Region: Specifies the region that you want to use while executing the CLI commands. Possible values are as follows:
- NA for AWS North America
- EU for AWS Europe
- AZURE-NA for Azure North America
- AZURE-EU for Azure Europe
- GCP-NA for Google North America
- GCP-EU for Google Europe
csdx config:set:region NA
csdx config:set:region EU
csdx config:set:region AZURE-NA
csdx config:set:region AZURE-EU
csdx config:set:region GCP-NA
csdx config:set:region GCP-EU
Set custom host and region
By using the config:set:region command, you can also set a custom host for Content Delivery, Content Management, UI Host, Developer Hub, Launch, and Personalize APIs, and set a custom region name for the hosts.
csdx config:set:region --cda <<custom_cda_host_url>> --cma <<custom_cma_host_url>> --ui-host <<custom_ui_host_url>> -n <<custom_region_name>>
--developer-hub <<custom_developer_hub_url>> --launch <<custom_launch_url>> --personalize <<custom_personalize_url>>
- --cda=cda: Custom host to set for the Content Delivery API. If this flag is used, then cma, ui-host, and name flags are required.
- --cma=cma: Custom host to set for the Content Management API. If this flag is used, then cda,
ui-host, and name flags are required. - --ui-host=ui-host: Custom UI host to set for CLI. If this flag is used, then cda, cma, and name flags are required.
- -n, --name=name: The name for the region. If this flag is used, then cda, cma, and ui-host flags are required.
- --developer-hub: Custom host to set for the Developer Hub API.
- --launch: Custom host to set for the Launch API.
- --personalize: Custom host to set for the Personalize Management API.
Note: The CLI generates the Developer Hub, Launch, and Personalize APIs by default unless their corresponding flags are passed.
csdx config:set:region --cda "" --cma "" --ui-host "" --developer-hub "" --launch "" --personalize "" -n "India"