
About Assets

In Contentstack, any files you upload, such as images, videos, PDFs, and audio files, are stored in a repository for future use. This repository is known as Assets.

Note: When working with specific branches, assets added or updated will be specific to that particular branch. All the asset URLs will contain the specific branch name except for the assets added within the main branch. Refer to our Branch-specific Modules document for more information.

Once you upload a file to your Assets repository, you can attach it to any entry. This is especially useful when you want to use certain assets in multiple entries.

You can perform the following actions on assets:

  • Upload assets to your stack
  • Update asset details
  • Delete assets permanently from your stack
  • Publish assets to a specific environment(s) and locale(s)
  • Unpublish assets from specific environment(s) and locale(s)
  • Locate assets easily using filters
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