Your 2024 transformation guide: Wisdom from composable trailblazers
Your 2024 transformation guide: Wisdom from composable trailblazers

1:02 Bob Howland on the benefits of Dawn Foods merging onto a single composable CMS
02:48 Jon Richards on the benefits of composable transformation for Golfbreaks
04:07 The Golfbreaks portal project (CXAs award finalist)
05:44 How Sommsation, a digitally native business benefits from composable (Danielle Diliberti)
8:27 How Emma Sleep leveraged composable to thrive and innovate during the holiday season (Andreas Westendörpf)
12:16 Advice for composable transformation: Strategic planning
14:45 The value of quick wins
16:33 Bridging business and technology - before you begin
18:59 Remember the long game
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