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Filerobot by Scaleflex

Filerobot allows you to store, enrich, normalize, resize, optimize, & distribute your media files rocket fast worldwide!

Driven by the mission to simplify the management, optimization and acceleration of any kind of digital content anywhere in the world, Scaleflex is a global B2B SaaS company developing powerful and scalable Digital Asset Management and Media Acceleration solutions. Scaleflex provides scalable, reliable and affordable Cloud services - to load, store, organize, optimize, publish and accelerate all media assets (images, videos, static files such as JS and CSS files, etc.), both for websites and mobile applications.

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Filerobot by Scaleflex

Filerobot allows you to store, enrich, normalize, resize, optimize, & distribute your media files rocket fast worldwide!

Driven by the mission to simplify the management, optimization and acceleration of any kind of digital content anywhere in the world, Scaleflex is a global B2B SaaS company developing powerful and scalable Digital Asset Management and Media Acceleration solutions. Scaleflex provides scalable, reliable and affordable Cloud services - to load, store, organize, optimize, publish and accelerate all media assets (images, videos, static files such as JS and CSS files, etc.), both for websites and mobile applications.

Marketplace app info

Filerobot by Scaleflex is the single source of truth for all your digital assets, allowing for seamless collaboration across platforms via the Asset Hub and through a lively ecosystem of plugins and connectors.

Don't bother with multiple cloud storages, image editors, file compression, and CDN setup anymore, Filerobot takes care of it all.

Upload your digital assets (images, videos, and more) to Contentstack from Scaleflex’s Filerobot platform via the integrated modular widget.

Your media will then be natively accelerated by a top tier, multi-tenant, Content Delivery Network (CDN) architecture.

Deliver beautiful digital experiences thanks to seamless content operations:

Filerobot is a scalable, performance-oriented digital asset management platform. It has integrated image and video optimizers that store, organize, optimize, and deliver all your media assets lightning-fast around the world, to all device types.

Filerobot has a multi-tenant, scalable, and flexible file system, with an intuitive interface that simplifies complex workflows and integrations within your content operations. It uses AI-powered uploads with automatic workflows to enrich media assets for better categorization and retrieval.

Our overall mission?

To give meaning to your brand assets.

With Filerobot DAM, you’ll be able to:

1. Upload, manage, and enrich all of your digital assets from a single source of truth.

2. Collaborate with internal and external teams within our one cloud collaboration platform.

3. Optimize your images to boost SEO rankings, create beautiful digital experiences, and push device-friendly content.

4. Publish and accelerate the impact of your images thanks to real-time insights on the usage and performance of your media assets.

There’s no development needed to start reaping the benefits of Filerobot. Simply set up your account and start enjoying fast and responsive images now.

Who can install

This Filerobot by Scaleflex app can be installed by:

  • Organization administrators
  • Stack administrators



Use Cases

With Filerobot DAM you’ll be able to:

1. Upload, manage, and enrich all of your digital assets from a single source of truth.

2. Collaborate with internal and external teams within our one cloud collaboration platform.

3. Optimize your images to boost SEO rankings, create beautiful digital experiences, and push device-friendly content.

4. Publish and accelerate the impact of your images thanks to real-time insights on the usage and performance of your media assets.



Technology Partner

MACH Certified


Driven by the mission to simplify the management, optimization and acceleration of any kind of digital content anywhere in the world, Scaleflex is a global B2B SaaS company developing powerful and scalable Digital Asset Management and Media Acceleration solutions. Scaleflex provides scalable, reliable and affordable Cloud services - to load, store, organize, optimize, publish and accelerate all media assets (images, videos, static files such as JS and CSS files, etc.), both for websites and mobile applications.