
Gatsby on Launch

Gatsby is an open-source React-based framework that provides a hybrid static/server-side rendered model. Using Gatsby data fetching, you can render your content differently based on your application's use case and build APIs using Gatsby Functions.

Supported Features

Launch supports the following Gatsby features out of the box:

Launch Gatsby Application Specifications

Execution Timeout

The Launch application enforces a maximum execution timeout, requiring it to respond to any incoming HTTP request within 30 seconds. If the application fails to respond within this duration, the request will time out, resulting in a response with an HTTP status error code 500.

Note: For error code 500, please refer to the timed-out errors in the Server Logs tab to understand and address the issue.

Memory Size

The memory size for a Launch application is 1024 MB.

Runtime Environment

The Launch application runtime environment leverages Node.js version 18 to power its execution environment.

File System

The Launch Gatsby file system refers to the Launch application's ability to interact with the file system, including read and write operations. By default, Launch applications implement a read-only file system, with the exception of the designated /tmp directory, which facilitates write operations.

The /tmp directory is a temporary file system accessible to every Launch serverless runtime, offering up to 500 MB of storage.

Note: The data stored in /tmp is non-persistent and is automatically deleted upon request completion.


Launch application supports the x86_64 instruction set.

Additional Resource: Please refer to the Quick Start Guide with Gatsby documentation for a step-by-step walkthrough to deploy a Gatsby site on Launch.

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