Configuration Files for Contentstack DataSync
The configuration file contains plain text parameters that define settings or preferences for Contentstack DataSync. This file will be referenced by the modules for performing the overall sync operations.
Config for Webhook Listener:
Property | DataType | Default | Description |
port | number | 5000 | Optional. A port for starting the webhook listener. |
endpoint | string | /notify | Optional. The URL where the webhook should be triggered. |
Configs for DataSync Manager:
Property | DataType | Default | Description |
assetStore | object | * refer assetStore config for further details* | Optional. Asset store configuration. |
contentStore | object | * refer mongodb contentStore/ filesystem contentStore config for further details* | Optional. Content store configuration. |
listener | object | *refer listener module configs* | Optional. Producer Example: contentstack-webhook-listener |
locales | object | Optional. locales that you'd want to be skipped ex: [ { code: 'en-us' } ] | |
contentstack.apiKey | number | Required. The Stack’s API key. | |
contentstack.deliveryToken | string | Required. The delivery token. | |
contentstack.sync_token | string | Optional. The checkpoint from where the sync operation should begin when the sync utility starts. | |
contentstack.branch | string | Optional. The branch you want to use or sync with. | |
contentstack.MAX_RETRY_LIMIT | number | 6 | Optional. number of times an API request will be retried, before failing. |
contentstack.actions | object | delete:'delete', publish:'publish', unpublish: 'unpublish', | Optional. |
contentstack.apis | object | content_types: '/v3/content_types/', sync: '/v3/stacks/sync' | Optional. API helper keys. | | string | '' | Optional. REST API domain. |
contentstack.protocol | string | 'https:' | Optional. REST API request protocol. |
contentstack.verbs | object | get: 'GET' | Optional. Supported REST API verbs, used internally. Helper key. |
syncManger.cooloff | number | 3000 | Optional. The 'cooloff' duration (in milliseconds) for waiting, after a 'sync API' call has been initiated by the app. If no value is provided, the default value will be '3000 ms'. |
syncManager.limit | number | 100 | Optional. The number of items fetched at once by the contentstack sync API call. |
syncManager.maxsize | number | 2097152 | Optional. Limit the max file size (in bytes) of '.ledger' or filter/logger files. |
syncManager.saveFilteredItems | boolean | true | Optional. To save filtered items. this will work only when 1. locales: [ { code: 'en-us' } ] is used 2. if items returned by SYNC API request do not have mandatory keys. |
Configs for DataSync Asset Store Filesystem
Property | DataType | Default | Description |
assetStore.baseDir | string | ./_contents | Optional. The location of the file for storing the assets. |
Configs for DataSync Content Store Filesystem
Property | DataType | Default | Description |
contentStore.baseDir | string | ./_contents | Optional. The location of the file for storing the content. |
Configs for DataSync Content Store MongoDB
Property | DataType | Default | Description |
dbName | string | contentstack-db | Optional. The MongoDB database name. |
uri | string | mongodb://localhost:27017 | Optional. The MongoDB connection URI |
collection | object | *see config below* | Optional. For storing assets, schema, and entries |
unwantedKeys | object | *see config below* | Optional. Keys to be deleted, while data is being inserted. |
options | object | *see config below* | Optional. The MongoDB connection options. |
Below are the configuration files for different elements of Contentstack DataSync. You can make changes to these files to meet your requirement.
Webhook Listener
listener: {
port: 5000,
endpoint: '/notify',
DataSync Manager
* Sync manager configurations
const config = {
// asset store configuration, refer assetStore config for further details
assetStore: {},
// content store configuration, refer mongoStore OR fsStore config for further details
contentStore: {
unwanted: {
asset: {
_in_progress: true,
_type: true,
content_type_uid: true,
data: true,
publish_details: true,
contentType: {
content_type_uid: true,
entry: {
_content_type: true,
_in_progress: true,
_type: true,
content_type_uid: true,
data: true,
publish_details: true,
// contentstack config, this is used mainly in making API calls
contentstack: {
apiKey: '***',
deliveryToken: '***',
sync_token: '***',
branch: 'main',
actions: {
delete: 'delete',
publish: 'publish',
unpublish: 'unpublish',
apis: {
content_types: '/v3/content_types/',
sync: '/v3/stacks/sync',
host: '',
options: 'ig',
port: 443,
protocol: 'https:',
query: {
include_global_field_schema: true,
regexp: {
asset_pattern: {
options: 'ig',
url: 'https://(assets|images)*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*)',
rte_asset_pattern_1: {
options: 'ig',
url: 'https://(assets|images)*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)(?=")',
rte_asset_pattern_2: {
options: 'g',
url: 'https://(assets|images)*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?)(.*)',
verbs: {
get: 'GET',
// producer, ex: contentstack-webhook-listener config, check listener for further details
listener: {},
// locales, that you'd want to be skipped, ex: [ { code: 'en-us' } ]
locales: [],
// sync-manager specific configurations
syncManager: {
cooloff: 3000,
inet: {
dns: '',
host: '',
// DNS port
port: 53,
retries: 5,
retryIncrement: 5 * 1000,
retryTimeout: 90 * 1000,
timeout: 30 * 1000,
type: 'A',
limit: 100,
markdown: {
breaks: true,
gfm: true,
smartLists: true,
tables: true,
xhtml: false,
// max file sizes in bytes
maxsize: 2097152,
// waits for 10s if the app runs into errors or a kill signal is sent
processTimeout: 10 * 1000,
queue: {
pause_threshold: 7000,
resume_threshold: 4000,
saveFailedItems: true,
saveFilteredItems: true,
plugins: [
// Plugins starting with _cs_internal_ are app specific internal plugins
// If you have custom plugins
// 1. Ceate a 'plugins' folder in this app's directory
// 2. Create a folder inside it
// 3. Inside the folder, create a index.js file
// Check example - plugins/dummy-plugin of this project
disabled: true,
name: 'item-logger',
options: {
// Here, you can set your own custom logger
log: console.log
disabled: false,
// This plugin
// - Modifies reference field structure of Stack's v3.4.x and below to new reference field structure (Array of uids, transformed to Array of objects)
// - Updates all old reference fields and makes them compatible with multiple references
name: '_cs_internal_transform_entries',
// path: '',
options: {
// other overrides...
disabled: false,
// This plugin
// - Detects asset/reference paths in a content type's schema
// - Updates all content types with asset/reference fields
// Which can be later used with datasync-filesystem-sdk OR datasync-mongodb-sdk
name: '_cs_internal_transform_schemas',
options: {
// Set false, if you do not wish to log asset references in the schema
logAssetPaths: true,
// Set false, if you do not wish to log entry references in the schema
logReferencePaths: true,
disabled: false,
// This plugin
// - Detects RTE/Markdown fields in a schema
// - Finds all the assets that's stored in Contentstack
// - Downloads all assets onto the asset store specified
// - Updates the entry's RTE/Markdown fields
name: '_cs_internal_save_rte_markdown_assets',
options: {
// other overrides...
DataSync Content Store Filesystem
'contentStore': {
baseDir: './_contents',
locale: 'en-us',
projections: {
_content_type_uid: 0,
DataSync Asset Store Filesystem
'assetStore': {
baseDir: './_contents'
// baseDir : file location to store the data
DataSync Content Store MongoDB
* MongoDB content store specific configurations
const mongoStore = {
// Name of the MongoDB database to store in
dbName: 'contentstack-db',
// Collection name in which contents (assets, schema, and entries) will be stored
collection: {
asset: 'contents',
entry: 'contents',
schema: 'contents',
// Refer for more configuration options
options: {
autoReconnect: true,
connectTimeoutMS: 15000,
keepAlive: true,
noDelay: true,
reconnectInterval: 1000,
reconnectTries: 20,
userNewUrlParser: true,
// Keys to be deleted, while data is being inserted
unwantedKeys: {
asset: {
action: true,
checkpoint: true,
'data.created_by': true,
event_at: true,
type: true,
'data.updated_by': true
contentType: {
'data.created_by': true,
'data.updated_by': true,
'data.DEFAULT_ACL': true,
'data.SYS_ACL': true,
'data.abilities': true,
'data.last_activity': true
entry: {
action: true,
checkpoint: true,
'data.created_by': true,
event_at: true,
type: true,
'data.updated_by': true
// mongodb connection url
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
DataSync Filesystem SDK
contentStore: {
// baseDir : file location of stored data
baseDir: './_contents',
// locale info, control the locales to be supported by the SDK
// ex: [ { code: 'en-us', relative_url_prefix: '/' } ]
locales: [],
DataSync MongoDB SDK
* Contentstack sync mongodb SDK configurations
const mongoSDK = {
// Name of the mongodb database to store in
dbName: 'contentstack-db',
// Collection name in which content (assets, schema, and entries) will be stored
collection: {
asset: 'contents',
entry: 'contents',
schema: 'contents',
// Indexes to be applied
indexes: {
_content_type_uid: 1,
locale: 1,
uid: 1,
updated_at: -1,
// Refer for more configuration options
options: {
autoReconnect: true,
connectTimeoutMS: 15000,
keepAlive: true,
noDelay: true,
reconnectInterval: 1000,
reconnectTries: 20,
userNewUrlParser: true,
// mongodb connection url
uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
// no of items to be returned by default, when a query is fired
// use .limit(200) to override this
limit: 100,
// no of items to be skipped by default, when a query is fired
// use .skip(20) to override this
skip: 0,
// locale info, control the locales to be supported by the SDK
locales: 'en-us',
// keys to be ignored by default
// use .only(['_id', 'updated_at']) to override these configurations
projections: {
_content_type_uid: 0,
_id: 0,