Migrate from JavaScript to TypeScript
This migration guide offers a detailed breakdown of the necessary changes needed to transition from a JavaScript Delivery SDK to a TypeScript Delivery SDK. The TypeScript Delivery SDK is built upon version 4 of the JavaScript Delivery SDK.
Both SDKs have the same requirements to get started. To begin using either SDK, you will need the following:
- Contentstack account
- Node.js version 20 or later
Setup and Installation
This section illustrates the setup and installation for the JavaScript and TypeScript Delivery SDKs.
- JavaScript Implementation:
Execute the below command to install the JavaScript Delivery SDK in your system:
// Browser <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/contentstack@3.17.0/dist/web/contentstack.min.js"></script> // Node.js npm i contentstack@3.17.0
- TypeScript Implementation:
Execute the below command to install the TypeScript Delivery SDK in your system:
// Browser <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/contentstack@latest/dist/web/contentstack.min.js"></script> // Node.js npm i @contentstack/delivery-sdk
This section shows how to initialize the JavaScript and TypeScript Delivery SDKs. The initialization process is essentially the same for both SDKs. See the code below for an example of how to initialize the SDKs in your stack.
JavaScript Implementation
Execute the below command to initialize the JavaScript Delivery SDK in your system:import contentstack from 'contentstack'; const Stack = contentstack.Stack({apiKey: “apiKey”, deliveryToken: “deliveryToken”, environment: “environment”});
TypeScript Implementation
Execute the below command to initialize the TypeScript Delivery SDK in your system:import contentstack from '@contentstack/delivery-sdk'; const Stack = contentstack.stack({apiKey: “apiKey”, deliveryToken: “deliveryToken”, environment: “environment”});
A stack is a repository or a container that holds all the content/assets of your site. It allows multiple users to create, edit, approve, and publish their content within a single space.
The stack function initializes an instance of the “Stack”
JavaScript Implementation for Stack
Below are some methods for the Stack class that you can execute in the JavaScript SDK.
The sync method syncs your Contentstack data with your app and ensures that the data is always up-to-date by providing delta updates.
For initializing sync
const result = await Stack.sync({'init': true});
For initializing sync with entries of a specific locale
const result = await Stack.sync({'init': true, 'locale': 'en-us' });
For initializing sync with entries published after a specific date
const result = await Stack.sync({'init': true, 'start_date': '2018-10-22'});
For initializing sync with entries of a specific content type
const result = await Stack.sync({ 'init': true, 'content_type_uid': 'session'});
For initializing sync with a specific type of content
const result = await Stack.sync({ 'init': true, 'type': 'entry_published'});
For fetching the next batch of entries using pagination token
const result = await Stack.sync({'pagination_token': '<page_tkn>'});
For performing subsequent sync after initial sync
const result = await Stack.sync({'sync_token': '<sync_tkn>'});
TypeScript Implementation for Stack
Below are some methods for the Stack class that you can execute in the TypeScript SDK.
The setLocale method sets the locale of the API server.
The sync method syncs your Contentstack data with your app and ensures that the data is always up-to-date by providing delta updates.
For initializing sync
For initializing sync with entries of a specific locale
Stack.sync({ 'locale': 'en-us'});
For initializing sync with entries published after a specific date
Stack.sync({ 'start_date': '2018-10-22'});
For initializing sync with entries of a specific content type
Stack.sync({ 'content_type_uid': 'session'});
For initializing sync with a specific type of content
Stack.sync({ 'type': 'entry_published'}); //Use the type parameter to get a specific type of content. Supports 'asset_published', 'entry_published', 'asset_unpublished', 'entry_unpublished', 'asset_deleted', 'entry_deleted', 'content_type_deleted'.
For fetching the next batch of entries using pagination token
Stack.sync({'pagination_token': '<page_tkn>'});
For performing subsequent sync after initial sync
Stack.sync({'sync_token': '<sync_tkn>'});
An entry is the actual piece of content created using one of the defined content types. To work with a single entry, specify its UID.
JavaScript Implementation for Entries
Below are some methods for the Entry class that you can execute in the JavaScript SDK.
Single Entry
To retrieve a single entry, execute the following code and specify the content type and entry UID.
const result = await Stack.ContentType('content_type_uid').Entry('entry_uid').toJSON().fetch();
The includeBranch method includes the branch details in the result.
const result = await Stack.ContentType('content_type_uid').Entry('entry_uid').includeBranch().toJSON().fetch();
The includeFallback method retrieves the entry in its fallback language.
const result = await Stack.ContentType('content_type_uid').Entry('entry_uid').includeFallback().toJSON().fetch();
The only method selects specific field(s) of an entry.
const result = await Stack.ContentType('content_type_uid').Entry('entry_uid').only('title').toJSON().fetch();
The except method excludes specific field(s) of an entry.
const result = await Stack.ContentType('content_type_uid').Entry('entry_uid').except('title').toJSON().fetch();
The language method sets the language code of which you want to retrieve data.
const result = await Stack.ContentType('content_type_uid').Entry('entry_uid').language('language_code').toJSON().fetch();
Multiple Entries
To retrieve details of multiple entries, execute the following code.
const result = await Stack.ContentType('content_type_uid').Query().toJSON().find();
TypeScript Implementation for Entries
Below are some methods for the Entry class that you can execute in the TypeScript SDK.
Single Entry
To get a single entry, you need to specify the content type as well as the ID of the entry.
interface BlogEntry extends BaseEntry { // Entry properties } const result = await stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry("entry_uid").fetch<BlogEntry>();
The includeBranch method includes the branch details in the result.
const result = await stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().includeBranch().find<BlogEntry>();
The includeFallback method retrieves the entry in its fallback language.
const result = await stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().includeFallback().find<BlogEntry>();
The only method selects specific field(s) of an entry.
const result = await stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().only("field_uid").find<BlogEntry>();
The except method excludes specific field(s) of an entry.
const result = await stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().except("field_uid").find<BlogEntry>();
The locale method retrieves the entries published in that locale.
const result = await stack.contentType('content_type_uid').entry('entry_uid').locale('locale_code').toJSON().fetch<BlogEntry>();
Multiple Entries
To retrieve details of multiple entries, execute the following code.
const result = await stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().find<BlogEntry>();
In Contentstack, any files (images, videos, PDFs, audio files, and so on) that you upload get stored in your repository for future use. This repository of uploaded files is called assets.
The Asset method by default creates an object for all assets of a stack. To retrieve a single asset, specify its UID.
JavaScript Implementation for Assets
Below are some methods for the Asset class that you can execute in the JavaScript SDK.
Single Asset
To retrieve details of a single asset, execute the following code and specify the asset UID.
const result = await Stack.Assets('asset_uid').toJSON().fetch();
Multiple Assets
To retrieve details of multiple assets, execute the following code.
const result = await Stack.Assets().toJSON().find();
TypeScript Implementation for Assets
Below are some methods for the Asset class that you can execute in the TypeScript SDK.
Single Asset
To retrieve details of a single asset, execute the following code and specify the asset UID.
interface BlogBG extends BaseAsset { // Asset properties } const result = await stack.asset('asset_uid').fetch<BlogBG>();
Multiple Assets
To retrieve details of multiple assets, execute the following code.
const result = await stack.asset().find<BlogBG>();
The initializer creates a Query object and provides support for all the different types of search queries.
TypeScript Implementation for Query
The query class in the JavaScript Delivery SDK is not as feature-rich as the query class in the TypeScript SDK, as we have introduced some additional methods in the TypeScript Delivery SDK.
The includeReference method retrieves the content of the referred entries in your response.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.includeReference("reference_field_uid").find<BlogEntry>();
The includeCount method retrieves count and data of objects in the result.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.includeCount().find<BlogEntry>(); //OR const asset = await stack.asset().includeCount().find<BlogBG>();
The orderByAscending method sorts the results in ascending order based on the specified field UID.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.orderByAscending("field_uid").find<BlogEntry>(); // OR const asset = await stack.asset().orderByAscending().find<BlogBG>();
The orderByDescending method sorts the results in descending order based on the specified key.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.orderByDescending("field_uid").find<BlogEntry>(); // OR const asset = await stack.asset().orderByDescending().find<BlogBG>();
The addParams method adds a query parameter to the query.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.addParams({"key": "value"}).find<BlogEntry>(); // OR const asset = await stack.asset().addParams({"key": "value"}).find<BlogBG>();
The addQuery method adds multiple query parameters to the query.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.addQuery("query_param_key", "query_param_value").find<BlogEntry>(); //OR const asset = await stack.asset().addQuery("query_param_key", "query_param_value").find<BlogBG>();
The removeParam method removes a query parameter from the query.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.removeParam("query_param_key").find<BlogEntry>(); // OR const asset = await stack.asset().removeParam("query_param_key").find<BlogBG>();
The where method filters the results based on the specified criteria.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.where("field_UID", QueryOperationEnum.IS_LESS_THAN, ["field1", "field2"]).find<BlogEntry>(); //OR const asset = await stack.asset().where("field_UID", QueryOperationEnum.IS_LESS_THAN, ["field1", "field2"]).find<BlogBG>();
The whereIn method retrieves the entries that meet the query conditions made on referenced fields.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.whereIn("reference_uid").find<BlogEntry>();
The whereNotIn method retrieves the entries that do not meet the query conditions made on referenced fields.
const query = stack.contentType("content_type_uid").entry().query(); const result = await query.whereNotIn("reference_uid").find<BlogEntry>();
The queryOperator method retrieves the entries as per the given operator.
const query = stack.contentType("contentType1Uid").entry().query(); const subQuery1 = stack.contentType("contentType2Uid").query().where("reference_uid1,"QueryOperation.IS_LESS_THAN, fields=90); const subQuery2 = stack.contentType("contentType3Uid").query().where("reference_uid2",QueryOperation.INCLUDES, fields=[20, 45]); query.queryOperator(QueryOperation.AND, subQuery1, subQuery2); const res = await query.find<BlogEntry>();
Content Type
A content type is the structure or blueprint of a page or a section that your web or mobile property will display. It lets you define the overall schema of this blueprint by adding fields and setting its properties.
TypeScript Implementation for Content Type
Below are some methods for the ContentType class that you can execute in the TypeScript SDK.
Single Content Type
To retrieve a specific content type, execute the following code:
const contentType = await Stack.contentType('content_type_uid').fetch<BlogPostCT>();
Multiple Content Type
To retrieve multiple content types, execute the following code:
const contentType = await Stack.contentType().find<BlogPostCT>();
The includeGlobalFieldSchema method retrieves the assets published in the locale.
const contentType = await Stack.contentType().includeGlobalFieldSchema().find<BlogPostCT>();
Pagination Responses
In a single instance, the Get Multiple Entries query will retrieve only the first 100 items of the specified content type. You can paginate and retrieve the rest of the items in batches using the skip and limit parameters in subsequent requests.
JavaScript Implementation for Pagination
Below is the code you can execute in the JavaScript SDK for pagination:
let blogQuery = Stack.contentType('example').query(); blogQuery.skip(20).limit(20).find()
.then((result) => {
.catch((error))=> {
TypeScript Implementation for Pagination
Below is the code you can execute in the TypeScript SDK for pagination:
const query = stack.ContentType("contentTypeUid").Entry().query();
interface BlogEntry extends BaseEntry {
note: string;
photo: string;
// other props
const pagedResult = await query.paginate().find<BlogEntry>();
// for paginating use the next() or previous() method
const nextPageResult = await query.next().find<BlogEntry>();
const prevPageResult = await query.previous().find<BlogEntry>();
Cache Policies
Cache policies enable specifying the content source for the SDK retrieval. The chosen policy determines data retrieval from cache, network, or both. Apply a cache policy to a stack and/or query object as needed.
JavaScript Implementation for Cache Policies
Below are some methods for the cache policies that you can execute in the JavaScript SDK.
Setting a cache policy for a stack
This option allows you to globalize a cache policy. This means the cache policy you set will be applied to all the query objects of the stack.
//Setting a cache policy on a stack Stack.setCachePolicy(Contentstack.CachePolicy.NETWORK_ELSE_CACHE)
Setting a cache policy for a query object
This option allows you to set/override a cache policy on a specific query object.
// setting a cache policy on a queryobject Query.setCachePolicy(Contentstack.CachePolicy.CACHE_THEN_NETWORK)
TypeScript Implementation for Cache Policies
Below are some methods for the cache policies that you can execute in the TypeScript SDK.
Setting a cache policy for a stack
This option allows you to globalize a cache policy. This means the cache policy you set will be applied to all the query objects of the stack.
const stack = contentstack.Stack({
apiKey: "apiKey",
deliveryToken: "deliveryToken",
environment: "environment",
cacheOptions = {
policy: Policy.NETWORK_ELSE_CACHE,
maxAge: 3600
- Our CDN services have a maximum URL size of 8KB. Any request from Typescript Delivery SDK that exceeds this limit will get a 400 error.
- The Typescript Delivery SDK does not support multiple content types referencing in a single query.
- The Typescript Delivery SDK currently does not support querying Global Field schemas. However, you can include these details when querying content type details by using the include_global_field_schema query parameter.