The Audiences feature in Visual Builder enables you to tailor content for specific user segments or groups, such as geographic regions, customer types, or languages, all configured within Personalize. This functionality is essential when creating content variations for different audiences, ensuring each group receives the most relevant and engaging experience.
Note: To view audiences, your organization must have Personalize enabled, and you must have an experience linked to your stack.
To access the Audiences feature within Visual Builder, log in to your Contentstack account, navigate to your stack, and perform the following steps:
- Click the Visual Experience icon in the left panel. By default you would see the Timeline preview. Click Builder from the pill at the bottom to switch to Visual Builder.
- In the right sidebar, click the Audiences icon.
- Select A/B Testing or Segmented Experience, then choose from the available experiences to view the audience conditions that trigger your variant.
- Use the Select Audiences dropdown to choose one or more audiences matching your variant conditions.
- Once the audience conditions are met, the active variant will display beside your experience title. This filters the content to match the selected audience segment by previewing the relevant entry variants.
- By default, website components are not editable. To enable editing for specific audiences, click A/B Testing or Segmented Experience, then select an experience.
- The Highlight Variant Fields toggle highlights the variant fields in purple color.
- Make the necessary edits. These updates correspond to the entry variants and base entries in real time.
- Review the changes, click Save, and then Deploy the content for the selected audiences, ensuring that each user segment receives the most relevant version of your content.
By using the Audiences feature in Visual Builder, you can efficiently create and preview personalized content experiences tailored to different user segments. The ability to directly edit content within the Visual Builder ensures each audience enjoys the most engaging experience possible.