
About Events

Events let you capture and monitor every interaction made by a user. In Contentstack Personalize, Events are essential for measuring the success of your A/B tests. By tracking specific user actions as events, such as clicks, form submissions, or video plays, you can accurately determine which variant in your experience performs better.

Personalize allows you to track two main types of events for user interactions:


Impressions are a way to count how many times users see specific content on your website. Every time a user sees personalized content, it counts as one unique impression, that is, if a single user views the same personalized content multiple times, it is only counted once. This helps you understand if the personalized content is actually being seen by users.

For example, if you have two different sale banners for users in different locations. By tracking impressions, you can see how many times each banner is being shown. This helps you measure which banner is more popular.

You can track impressions using the Personalize Edge SDK and Personalize Edge API. And also, use tools like Google Tag Manager or Customer Data Platform integrations or similar platforms. This data is then shown in the 'Analytics' section for each experience, and it's further categorized for each variant.


A conversion is an event that signifies a positive user action, such as adding a product to the cart, making a purchase, or scrolling to the end of a page. They are used in A/B Test experiences to evaluate the effectiveness of a variant, and a higher number of conversions can indicate a winning variant.

For example, imagine you have two versions of a "Buy Now" button. By tracking conversions, you can see which button gets more clicks. This tells you which button is more effective.

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