How to enhance your product detail pages for growth

May 15, 20249 min read

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An optimized product detail page (PDP) increases your e-commerce’s visibility and success. These pages enhance your customer experience, increase e-commerce conversions and elevate your online visibility. Implement key components and design strategies to maximize your success. Request a free demo to learn how to upgrade your PDPs.


You’ll learn about:

  • Significance of PDP: Understand how product detail pages bridge the gap in online shopping
  • Roles of CMS: Know how content management systems (CMSs) increase your PDP quality
  • Benefits: Enhance customer trust, conversions and SEO visibility
  • Design best practices: High-quality visuals, mobile-friendly layouts and scarcity tactics

Increase your customer experience, drive e-commerce conversions and enhance your online presence by creating stellar PDPs.

Keep reading to learn more!

Did you know that the global e-commerce market will exceed $6.3 trillion by 2024 end?


E-commerce stores allow customers to shop from the comfort of their bed. Yet, they have a major drawback—customers cannot physically touch the products. They purchase primarily based on the image and description shared. That’s where a product detail page or PDP comes in. 

A product detail page is a digital shopping window for your online store. You learn about key product features before making a purchase. 

Product detail pages bridge the gap created because of online shopping. Using crisp imagery and interactive elements, you create succinct information, helping customers understand what they’re purchasing.

Whether you own a retail store or are a digital marketer, this blog helps you understand the importance of a PDP, its key elements and some design practices. 

What is a product detail page?

A product detail page (PDP) is a digital brochure that provides information about your product’s specifications, features, images, prices, and other details. E-commerce stores use PDPs to show high-quality product images from different angles, helping potential customers envision the product. Online customers learn about your products and make a purchase decision based on the information you provide on the PDP. 

For 85% of online shoppers, product information and images are a deciding factor when marking a purchase—you can no longer ignore the importance of a PDP. The quality of your PDP decides whether a customer returns satisfied or moves to your competitors. 

And, did you know your content management system (CMS) plays a crucial role in deciding the PDP’s quality?

Platforms like Contentstack help you organize and showcase your product effectively. With a CMS, you can easily create and manage product pages, keeping content accurate. Key features like quick updates, personalization and smooth integration make a CMS essential for enhancing engagement and driving product page sales.

Benefits of product detail pages

High-quality PDPs form the backbone of customer trust and ensure they return to your e-commerce store. But why? These product detail pages offer the following benefits:

Enhances online shopping experience

PDPs make the online shopping experience easy. Nothing can be more frustrating for a customer than ordering a product only to receive one that mismatches the description. These pages provide shoppers with all the relevant information on one page. They no longer dig or browse through endless pages. 

Your PDP provides an enhanced product description, information and even customer reviews. PDPs display information in a clear and well-organized manner while ensuring a mobile-friendly layout. 

Case study: How Waltz Health transformed prescription care with Contentstack

Waltz Health is changing prescription care by partnering with various stakeholders to create marketplaces that offer patients visibility into cost-saving programs. They wanted to create templates where product data, pricing and branded assets could easily be incorporated into new web pages. The company required APIs to understand the current patient plans and benefits information to increase customer experience.

To meet their goals, Waltz selected Contentstack to develop client portals that provide intuitive search experiences and compare medication prices. By leveraging Contentstack’s headless CMS, Waltz Health allowed rapid updates to the product data and pricing and ensured customizations, improving patient experiences and reducing operational costs. The results were amazing. Waltz can now update their website within minutes, applying changes across experiences. 

After using Contentstack, Sunil Kripalani, Chief Technology Officer at Waltz Health, said:

“The flexibility that’s baked into Contentstack isn’t just enabling our staff to work more efficiently, it’s a true business enabler that’s helping us consider new service offerings. Using APIs, we can pull in new data streams and create unique experiences for our provider partners, as well as within niche markets.”

To explore more, read the complete case study here. 

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Addresses your customer’s questions

In-depth product information answers all your customer’s questions about a product, helping them make informed decisions. Details such as dimensions, manufacturing processes, maintenance processes and key features help your shoppers compare two or more products before making a decision. 

Increases e-commerce conversion rates

When your product detail pages provide all the relevant information, the chances of converting an online shopper into a customer increase manifolds. As e-commerce stores have a conversion rate of 3.65%, a high-quality PDP is a game changer and increases your conversion rate.

Improves search engine visibility

The content you include in your PDP, including the title, description, specification and reviews, is crawlable by search engines, helping your product rank higher in the search results. When your products are easily indexed, you rank for relevant keywords, driving organic traffic to your e-commerce store. 

Builds trust and credibility

Product detail pages provide all the relevant information about your product, building trust and credibility. Including customer reviews further strengthens your credibility and conveys reliability as an online seller. 

Reduces churn rate and returns

Well-crafted PDPs attract customers. They reduce churn, returns, and even customer complaints. Customers who have all the details and information in front of them are less likely to purchase the wrong product. 

Key components of product detail pages

The key elements of a single product detail page the pages are:

Product title

The biggest text on your PDP is the product title, which conveys the product information to the customer. Apart from a high-quality image, a product title is the first thing customers see when they land on your product.

Product description

A product description provides a succinct overview and accurately describes the product's features, benefits, limitations and functions. It is usually just below the product title. This section tells customers why they should buy your products. 

Include relevant keywords and unique selling proposition (USP) in your product descriptions. Customers will consider purchasing from you only when you show them why you’re different and how your product solves their problems. 

Product specifications

Product specification lists all the technical details related to your product. It includes weight, color, dimension, size, the material used and any specifications.

Product images

Online shoppers cannot physically touch and feel the products. Providing product images ensures a seamless experience. Customers expect to see more than one image of your product before deciding. Adding multiple shots from different angles helps you visualize the product.

These images ensure customers feel they’re at the product or item in person. Every product requires three to five images to increase the chances of the sale. And, for more than 60% of online shoppers, a good-quality image is the number one factor in deciding whether they will purchase.

360-degree views and product videos

Provide a 3D rendering, allowing customers to visualize your product from different angles. Many products also require a video demonstration. Including a demonstration or tutorial video gives your customers a better understanding of your product. 


A breadcrumb describes an online shopper's path to your product page. It shows companies the different web pages a customer visited before reaching your product page. Breadcrumbs enhances customer experience


Your product's pricing is an important detail to mention on your PDP. Use this section to include applicable taxes. If you’re offering discounts, highlight it in your pricing section. Show the difference between the sale and original prices to entice your customers. For instance, most e-commerce companies use price anchoring, like $59.99 $29.99.

Call to action (CTA)

Your PDPs work as conversion components, making them the most important aspect of your page. The CTA has a minimal design and no more than a single button with text. This is where you ask customers to add products to their carts. A CTA urges and encourages your customers to perform a desired action. 

Place the pricing near your CTA button. This will ensure a natural flow of the page while encouraging shoppers to add your product to their cart. 

Product availability

Your store may often run out of products. Include product availability, which showcases whether the product has limited stock or is readily available. Creating an urgency can encourage customers to take action and move on to the checkout page. Today, most e-commerce stores display product availability on their PDPs.

Shipping information

You can also include shipping costs to inform your customers about the potential expenses they may have to bear. Ensure to display all the shipping-related information and policies. With 66% expecting companies to offer free shipping, clearly, including this information is paramount. 


If you want to add certain disclaimers or policies, add them to your product page. Your policies and disclaimers highlight the extent of your company’s liability. Often, companies include the return policies. A return policy makes your customers comfortable buying from you. If your product offers certain warranties or guarantees, list them in this section. 

Product detail page design best practices

Now that you know the components of your PDP page, let’s understand the design best practices. These design best practices improve the PDP’s conversion rate and serve your customer needs. Here are some best practices to follow:

Share only high-quality images and videos

High-quality images improve the experience because shoppers can zoom in on item details. To avoid confusion, use the same style, composition and lighting across each photo and video to provide a consistent and cohesive look. Since shoppers cannot feel and touch the product, high-quality images give them the feel of your product. 

With 60% of customers looking for visual content before purchasing, high-quality images set you apart.

Ensure your product videos are created and edited by professionals. Pixelated videos say a lot about your online store’s quality. 

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Make your PDP mobile-friendly 

With 80% of customers visiting an online store from their mobile devices, creating a mobile-friendly PDP will only increase this number. Making your PDP mobile-friendly reduces your bounce rate and streamlines your buying process. 

Create scarcity of products

When customers know only a few products or units are left, it triggers the “fear of mission out (FOMO)” emotion. They feel more motivated to purchase before the product goes out of stock. So, create scarcity of products by displaying “only two units left” or “10 people have it in their cart.”

Ensure a clean and cluttered layout

Entering too much irrelevant information in your PDP will drive away customers' attention to less important aspects. The focus of your PDP will no longer be the product because customers are busy wading through the wall of text you have shared. Avoid including excessive information or images to prevent customers from decision fatigue.

Use white spaces

Using white or negative space around your text, images, CTAs or videos improves your PDP’s readability and visual appeal. Judicious use of white spaces reduces cognitive overload, ensuring customers are not distracted from the product.

Share customer reviews and product ratings

Customer reviews and product ratings are important in e-commerce. Digital shoppers trust customer reviews more than the information you share. They are likely to buy when a customer already enjoys using the product. 

Reviews and ratings are social proof that encourages shoppers to choose your product over others. 

More than nine out of ten customers buy a product only after reading reviews from other customers. You can include product ratings near the product title while placing the reviews at the bottom of your PDP.

Common mistakes to avoid on your product detail page

Never make abstract promises

You make abstract promises to wow your online shoppers at every cost. When you make abstract promises, you reduce customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why? The pillars of customer satisfaction and loyalty are under-promising and over-delivering. Making abstract promises has the opposite effect - promising something you cannot deliver. 

Overcrowding of information

Online shoppers require sufficient product details to make an informed buying decision and a clean layout that is easy to scan. Overloading PDPs with too much information or unnecessary elements can overwhelm customers. Keep your information clear and concise to ensure customers understand what they want.

Failing to include adequate product specifications

While too much information can overwhelm you, too little detail, especially concerning your product specifications, can frustrate customers. They can abandon your website in search of more comprehensive information elsewhere. Ensure key product attributes and features, such as size, color, materials, care instructions and technical specifications, are listed and easy to find.


What exactly defines a product detail page?

A PDP is a web page that offers complete information about a particular product, such as specifications, prices, images and customer reviews.

How does a product information page differ from a product detail page?

A product information page (PIP) contains general information about a particular product. When compared, a PDP is a platform that allows customers to see tailor-made information on a single product.

Can you explain product listing page (PLP) and product detail page (PDP)?

A product listing page is a category page that displays your product collection. It allows customers to browse different items and provides a catalog of products within a certain category. 

On the other hand, a PDP focuses on a single product, offering detailed information and specifications. It helps customers understand the product and make a purchase decision.

Learn more

E-commerce product detail pages are not just ordinary pages on your website. They help you succeed in e-commerce. 

These pages work like a conversion tool, increasing the visibility of your e-commerce website. Investing in high-quality product images and videos is beneficial. Sharing a PDP makes your customers feel more confident in their purchase, and they are less likely to return their product. 

Do you want to learn how a new product detail page can transform your business? Request a free demo today.

About Contentstack

The Contentstack team comprises highly skilled professionals specializing in product marketing, customer acquisition and retention, and digital marketing strategy. With extensive experience holding senior positions in notable technology companies across various sectors, they bring diverse backgrounds and deep industry knowledge to deliver impactful solutions.  

Contentstack stands out in the composable DXP and Headless CMS markets with an impressive track record of 87 G2 user awards, 6 analyst recognitions, and 3 industry accolades, showcasing its robust market presence and user satisfaction.

Check out our case studies to see why industry-leading companies trust Contentstack.

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